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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 28/10/2002
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Seen by: Self
Source: Seen
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43077 LTLocos - BR TOPS
43106 LTLocos - BR TOPS
43117 LTLocos - BR TOPS
43184 (1) LTLocos - BR TOPS
56095 LTLocos - BR TOPS
60096 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66200 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66709 LTLocos - BR TOPS
91024 LTLocos - BR TOPS
91106 LTLocos - BR TOPS
91108 LTLocos - BR TOPS
91117 LTLocos - BR TOPS
156401 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
156406 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158784 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158786 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158788 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158790 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158794 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
158855 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
170501 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
170510 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
170516 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
170523 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
170637 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
365522 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
365531 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
365533 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
365540 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
365541 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
373304 MTMultiple Units - BR TOPS
82213 CBCoaching Stock - BR
82230 CBCoaching Stock - BR
Added: 02/03/2022
Approval: Approved, semi/self
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No notes have been left yet. ?There may be some notes posted but which have not yet been approved.
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This sighting has not yet been edited.