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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Codes > Prefix List
Many rolling stock numbers have letters in front of them. These prefixes were usually used to indicate the owning company, region or department. This page lists all known prefixes.
Note that some prefixes had different meaning depending on what they were applied to. For example, the prefix E on a wagon would indicate it was acquired from the LNER, while on coaches it would indicate allocation to the Eastern Region.
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419 results found. Page 1 of 5, showing results 1 to 100. Sorted by Prefix. Jump to page: 1
Prefix ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Applies To ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Status ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Used ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Description ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Notes ?Users can add notes against individual prefixes. This column shows how many notes have been posted against each item. Latest ?If user notes have been left, this column will show the date of the latest.
ABPPrivate OwnerDefunctAssociated British Ports Ltd0
ADBDepartmental StockCurrentStock built or converted for departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADBRailway-owned WagonsCurrentBR wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADCRailway-owned WagonsDefunctBR air-braked wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADEDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer) on the Eastern Region0
ADEex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-LNER wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADMDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer) on the London Midland Region0
ADMex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-LMS wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRCDepartmental StockCurrentCrane built by Cowans Sheldon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRFDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Coles in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRGDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Grafton in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRJDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Jones in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRRDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Ransome and Rapier in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRSDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Smith in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRTDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Taylor and Hubbard in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRVDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Cravens in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADRWDepartmental StockDefunctCrane built by Atlas in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADSDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer) on the Southern Region0
ADSex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-SR wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
ADWDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer) on the Western Region0
ADWex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-GWR wagon in departmental use (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer)0
AIPrivate OwnerCurrent2004-currentAggregate Industries0
ALCNPrivate OwnerDefunctAlcan Lynemouth Ltd0
ALGPrivate OwnerDefunctAlgeco UK Ltd0
AMOCPrivate OwnerDefunctAmoco UK Ltd (Later to Elf Oil Ltd)0
AOPrivate OwnerDefunctThe Associated Octel Co Ltd (Tank wagons)0
APCMPrivate OwnerCurrent1974-currentAssociated Portland Cement Manufacturing (Later to Blue Circle)0
ARPrivate OwnerDefunctAmey Roadstone Corporation0
ARCPrivate OwnerCurrentARC Southern Ltd (Later to Hanson Aggregates)0
AVONPrivate OwnerCurrent1985-currentAvon County Countil12021-06-04 21:52:23
AWPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Albright & Wilson0
BMultiple-UnitsDefunctDMU allocated to Bristol area of Western Region0
BRailway-owned WagonsCurrentBR wagon0
BACOPrivate OwnerDefunctNot usedBritish Alcan (Replaced by BAHS)0
BAHSPrivate OwnerCurrentBritish Alcan, Highland Smelters0
BAKPrivate OwnerDefunct1976-1989Baker, Carnforth (Coaching stock only)0
BBPrivate OwnerCurrent2001-currentBalfour Beatty Rail Ltd0
BBCPrivate OwnerDefunct1988-1992Boothferry Borough Council0
BBESPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Bitumen Emulsions (Scotland) Ltd0
BCCPrivate OwnerCurrentBlue Circle Cement0
BCHPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Bass Charrington0
BDCRailway-owned WagonsCurrentBR air-braked wagon in departmental use (BR Telecommunications)0
BFLPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Fuels Ltd0
BGLPrivate OwnerDefunct-2006British Gypsum Ltd0
BHQPrivate OwnerCurrent1985-currentBardon Hill Quarries0
BISPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Industrial Sands Ltd (Later Hepworths Industrial Minerals Ltd)0
BLCPrivate OwnerDefunct1992-2004? (Coaching stock only)0
BLIPrivate OwnerCurrentBuxton Lime Industries0
BLMPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-?Bulmers Cider, Hereford (Coaching stock only)0
BLSPrivate OwnerDefunctBritannia Locomotive Society (Coaching stock only)0
BMPrivate OwnerCurrent2000-currentBrunner Mond0
BMAPrivate OwnerDefunctBrett Marine Aggregates (Code change (from ELC) cancelled)0
BNFPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Nuclear Fuels, Springfield0
BNFLPrivate OwnerCurrentBritish Nuclear Fuels Ltd0
BOAPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Bank of America0
BOCPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Oxygen Co Ltd0
BOTEPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Burmah Oil Trading (Elesmere Port)0
BPBBPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984BP Chemicals, Baglan Bay0
BPCMPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984BP Chemicals, Murgatroyd0
BPCSPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984BP Chemicals, Saltend0
BPIGPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984BP Chemicals, Grangemouth0
BPLSPrivate OwnerDefunct1976-?Blue Peter Locomotive Society (Coaching stock only)0
BPOPrivate OwnerDefunctBP Oil Ltd0
BRCHPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Bromine & Chemicals Ltd0
BRELPrivate OwnerDefunct1987British Rail Engineering Ltd (Used on 'International Train' coaches)0
BRETPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Brett Marine Aggregates0
BRIGPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984William Briggs & Sons0
BRTPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Rail Traffic & Electric Company0
BSCOPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-1986British Steel, Corby Works0
BSGLPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Steel, Flemington Works (Glasgow)0
BSORPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Steel, Orgreave Works0
BSROPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Steel, Rotherham Works0
BSRVPrivate OwnerDefunct1976-?British Steel, Ravenscraig Works0
BSSCPrivate OwnerCurrentBritish Steel, Scunthorpe Works0
BSSHPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Steel, Shotton Works0
BSSPPrivate OwnerDefunct1996-c.2003British Steel, Strip Products0
BSSWPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-?British Steel, Llanwern Works0
BSTEPrivate OwnerCurrent1974-currentBritish Steel, Teesside Works0
BTPrivate OwnerCurrent2014-currentBombardier Transportation (to be confirmed) (On KBA barrier wagons)0
BTDHPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984British Transport Docks, Hull0
BTPPrivate OwnerDefunctBritish Titan Products (Later Ti-Oxide UK Ltd)0
CMultiple-UnitsDefunctDMU allocated to Cardiff area of Western Region0
CAIBPrivate OwnerCurrentCAIB UK Ltd0
CARPPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984Carpet Products Ltd0
CAWDPrivate OwnerDefunct1986-Cawoods Coal Products Ltd0
CCPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-?Chipmans Chemicals0
CCCPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-by1984C C Crumps Ltd0
CDBDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (BREL)0
CDBRailway-owned WagonsDefunctBR wagon in departmental use (BREL)0
CDEDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (BREL) on the Eastern Region0
CDEex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-LNER wagon in departmental use (BREL)0
CDMDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (BREL) on the London Midland Region0
CDMex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-LMS wagon in departmental use (BREL)0
CDSDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (BREL) on the Southern Region0
CDSex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-SR wagon in departmental use (BREL)0
CDWDepartmental StockDefunctStock built or converted for departmental use (BREL) on the Western Region0
CDWex Big-Four WagonsDefunctex-GWR wagon in departmental use (BREL)0
CEGBPrivate OwnerDefunct1974-?Central Electricity Generating Board0
CGPrivate OwnerDefunctCroxton & Garry Ltd0
CGLPrivate OwnerDefunctCharrington Fuel Oils Ltd0
Prefix ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Applies To ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Status ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Used ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Description ?TEXT TO BE ADDED Notes ?Users can add notes against individual prefixes. This column shows how many notes have been posted against each item. Latest ?If user notes have been left, this column will show the date of the latest.
419 results found. Page 1 of 5, showing results 1 to 100. Sorted by Prefix. Jump to page: 1