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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 20/10/2002
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Seen by: Self
Source: Seen
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08511 LTLocos - BR TOPS
08703 LTLocos - BR TOPS
20119 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37045 (R) LTLocos - BR TOPS
37048 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37165 (R2) LTLocos - BR TOPS
37198 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37213 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37275 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37378 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37697 LTLocos - BR TOPS
37710 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47294 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47316 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47348 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47476 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47702 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47711 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47726 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47727 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47741 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47745 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47769 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47777 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47829 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56004 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56034 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56050 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56061 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56071 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56075 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56130 LTLocos - BR TOPS
56132 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58003 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58008 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58014 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58019 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58023 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58038 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58044 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58046 LTLocos - BR TOPS
58048 LTLocos - BR TOPS
60002 LTLocos - BR TOPS
60082 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66084 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66164 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66181 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66205 LTLocos - BR TOPS
73108 LTLocos - BR TOPS
Added: 02/03/2022
Approval: Approved, semi/self
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This sighting has not yet been edited.