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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Codes > Prefix List > Prefix DRB Details
Main Details
Prefix: DRB
Applies to: Departmental Stock
Status: Current
Used: 1974-current
Description: Crane built by BR in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
There are 2 listings (with 1 distinct numbers) with this prefix.
Date ?The date of the listing. Newest listings are shown first. Type ?Listings are either plain listings (reported details at a given date) or changes (changes of details on a given date). Hover over a code for the explanation. Status ?The status of this number at (or after) the given date. Hover over a code for the explanation. Prefix ?The prefix carried at the given date. Hover over a prefix for an explanation. Number TOPS Design Pool Livery Allocation Location Notes ?Shows the approval status of each listing. Hover over an icon for an explanation.
01/01/2019 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) WExtant, Un-registered, Withdrawn DRBCrane built by BR in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
Click here for more details of this prefix
78123 Polmadie DHS Approved, auto/admin
08/10/1998 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DRBCrane built by BR in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
Click here for more details of this prefix
78123 YJV 7073 Approved, auto/admin
No notes have been left yet. ?There may be some notes posted but which have not yet been approved.
This item has not been edited.