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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Lot List > BR Wagon Lot 2940
Main Details
Lot series: BR Wagon Lot Previous Next
Lot number: 2940 In selection ?This works on your last-used lots selection, including any filters and sort orders. Buttons will not show if the current lot was not in your last selection, or if you are at the beginning or end of the data set.
Number range: DB990690-DB990858 Overall ?This works on the overall lots list without any filtering or sorting applied.
Quantity: 169
Status: Built/Converted ?This is to show the status of the lot, i.e. was it completed. Possible values are 'Built/Converted', 'Cancelled' or 'Unknown'.
Origin: New Build ?This shows whether the items covered by this lot were new builds or conversions/rebuilds of existing stock.
Built/Converted: 1957
At: Cambrian Wagon Works
Type: 20t 'Grampus' Ballast & Sleeper Wagon
Design: 1/572
Key photo: n/a
Icon: n/a
Source: LLB/1 Numerical List of BR Wagon Lots, JD Model Railway Consultants, 1984
Added: 12:00 01/01/2020 by Thomas Young.
There is one batch recorded as being wholly to this lot.
Numbers Class Design Type Qty Origin Built/Converted Date/s Lot
DB990690-DB990858 ZBO-A 1/572 20t 'Grampus' Ballast & Sleeper Wagon 169 New Cambrian Wagon Works 1957 2940
Profiles ?Profiles provide an overview of the histories of various types of train. Profiles that are relevant to this lot are listed below.
Photos - Internal
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Photos - External
To be added
There are 15 listings (with 9 distinct numbers) of numbers to this lot.
Date ?The date of the listing. Newest listings are shown first. Type ?Listings are either plain listings (reported details at a given date) or changes (changes of details on a given date). Hover over a code for the explanation. Status ?The status of this number at (or after) the given date. Hover over a code for the explanation. Prefix ?The prefix carried at the given date. Hover over a prefix for an explanation. Number TOPS Design Pool Livery Allocation Location Notes ?Shows the approval status of each listing. Hover over an icon for an explanation.
01/2007 CChange (e.g. a transfer or recoding) YNon-extant, Un-registered, Unknown, Presumed Scrap DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990839 Listed as disposal Approved, auto/admin
01/2007 CChange (e.g. a transfer or recoding) YNon-extant, Un-registered, Unknown, Presumed Scrap DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990853 Listed as disposal Approved, auto/admin
09/04/1999 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990690 ZBO 6994 Approved, auto/admin
22/01/1999 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990839 ZBV 6934 Approved, auto/admin
22/01/1999 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990853 ZBV 6934 Approved, auto/admin
20/12/1998 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990770 ZBA 6524 Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990690 ZBO ZB501A Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990702 ZBO ZB501A Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990707 ZBO ZB501A Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990709 ZBO ZB501A Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990742 ZBV ZB501K Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990770 ZBA ZB501Y Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990839 ZBV ZB501M Approved, auto/admin
28/02/1994 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990853 ZBW ZB501T TOPS code not given Approved, auto/admin
01/06/1993 LListing (e.g. in an ABC) AExtant, Registered, Active DBBR wagon in departmental use (Civil Engineer)
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990761 ZBV ZB501M Withdrawn between 06/1993 and 02/1994 Approved, auto/admin
No notes have been left yet. ?There may be some notes posted but which have not yet been approved.
Dimensions ?Dimensions are normally recorded against design/diagram numbers. They can be recorded against batches, lots or TOPS codes if the design/diagram is not available.
There are no dimensions recorded for this lot.
Drawings ?Drawings are normally referenced to specific design/diagram numbers. They can be recorded against batches, lots or TOPS codes if the design/diagram is not available. If no drawings are listed here, try looking at related designs/diagrams.
There are no drawings referenced for this lot.
This item has not been edited.