LTSV > Service Vehicles > Fleet Data > Vehicle History List > History event 43861
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Main details
Vehicle: 1842LR TJJ42M
Event date: by01/03/1986
Sort date: 1986-03-01 ?This is the date of the event in a format that allows the entries to be sorted. It should relate to the more human-readable date shown above.
Event type: Allocated to
Operator: unknown
Department: n/a
Location: Chiswick Works
Status: w
Notes: Out of use
Source: LOTS SUP17L
Admin details
Event ID: 43861 ?This is the database ID for this entry. Please quote this number if you need to contact site admin regarding this entry.
Added on: 12/09/2020 13:00
Added by: Thomas Young
Display: Y ?History events can be 'hidden' by setting the display value to N (No). Default is Y (Yes).
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