LTSV > Service Vehicles > Fleet Data > Location List > Location Details (Location ID 1655)
<< Walthamstow, Ferry Lane (ex AEC) Wandsworth Garage >>
Location Details

Name: Walworth (Camberwell) Garage Photo
Type: Bus Garage
Code: WL
Dates: 1905 - current
Status: Current
Info: Was Tram Depot. Originally named Camberwell, changed to Walworth in July 1950 to avoid confusion with Camberwell Bus Garage (Q).
Current vehicles: 3 ?This is the amount of vehicles listed as being currently allocated to this location.
All vehicles: 14 ?This is the amount of vehicles listed as ever being allocated to this location (subject to the comprehensiveness of our vehicle history records!).
Photos: 4 ?This is the number of published photos that were taken at this location. (See below)
Sightings: 24 ?This is the amount of sightings reported at this location.
Location Notes

Text Date Posted by
Really two sheds joined at an angle with entrances at 301 Camberwell Road (site of offices) and Camberwell New Road. Originally closed by LT (01-703 7444) in 1985 it has subsequently had a number of bus occupiers on & off including London & Country from December 1992 (when they closed Newington Butts). Passed from Travel London to Abellio 31/10/2009 25/06/2007 Ray
Now operated by Transport UK 27/05/2024 Ray
Location User/s ?The data for this section is still being added.

No users have been recorded yet.
Photos at Location

There are 4 photos taken at this location, as below (with the most recently added shown first).

Data History

Added: 2010-01-01 12:00:00
Added by: Thomas Young

Edits ?This section shows any changes that have been made to the database record for this operator. Unless you are logged-in as an Editor or Admin, only Edits marked as Public will be shown (i.e. not Private Edits).
This location has not yet been edited.