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LTSV > Rail Data > More > Notes List > Note ID 4805 details
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Note ID: 4805
Date Added: 15/10/2023 10:54
Added by: Daddyman
Relates to: Profile OTA Timber Wagons
Category: Other/General
Note text: Photos seem to suggest there is a bit more to the stanchion story. The Profile states that states that the wagons had either 11 stanchions or 9 (Thames Board). Going from photos, though, including the ones linked to from the Profile, it would seem that only the ones with flat tops to their ends (e.g. 112186 on Paul Bartlett's site) had 11 stanchions. Tom Smith's British Railways Air-Braked Stock 2 (Cheona) shows some flat-topped wagons also had 9 stanchions (112237 and 112291).
Far more common in photos are the 13-stanchion wagons, and many early (the earliest?) ones with shaped tops to the ends seem to have got 13.

There are also some livery variations not covered in the Profile. One of the flat-top OTAs (112329) was exhibited at Ayr in 1985 newly painted with red ends (black inners), red sides, red stanchion pockets and yellow stanchions. There's a photo on spannerman37025's thread on Flickr. Paul Bartlett's site shows that there were variations in the standard Railfreight livery: some (the earliest conversions?) had rail grey stanchions, pockets and "sides", while others (later ones? - from 1987) had a darker grey for the pockets and "sides", with rail grey stanchions. Paul's photos also suggest some 1985 conversions got a pale greeny-grey livery on "sides", pockets and stanchions however, I suspect this is a colour rendition issue and they are in fact rail grey. While Smith (see above) shows a wagon with flat top ends in Railfreight livery with 9 stanchions (112237), I can find no pictures of 9-stanchion wagons with shaped ends in Railfreight livery.

Flag: No flag set
Approval: Approved, manually
Approved on: 15/10/2023 23:54
Approved by: Llamafish
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