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LTSV > Rail Data > More > Notes List > Note ID 4528 details
Note Details
Note ID: 4528
Date Added: 17/09/2023 15:43
Added by: Thomas Young
Relates to: Batch 730201-730236
Category: Construction/Delivery
Note text: The 16 class 730/2 were to be 5-car units for use on long-distance services. Changes to the order in 2022 resulted in the quantity of class 730/0 (3-car) and 730/1 (5-car outer suburban) units being increased and the class 730/2s dropped. However, it was then decided to number the 5-car units as 730/2s, meaning that class 730/1 became defunct.
Flag: No flag set
Source: Rail Express 328 (September 2023)
Approval: Approved, auto/admin
Approved on: 17/09/2023 15:43
Approved by: Thomas Young
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