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LTSV > RRV Index > Vehicles List > Vehicle Details (Vehicle ID 8583)
< Previous: 393PRO (Leyland Beaver Flat ?)
Next: 395PRO (Leyland Beaver Flat ?) >
Main details
Registration Type Function Licence On Licence Off
394PRO Leyland Beaver Platform 20/09/1962

User/s: British Railways (09/1962 - )
Fleetnumber/s: ?B M in LMS series
Livery: Red/Cream
Additional information:
Information sources:
There are no photographs of this vehicle on this website.
Photo links
URL Details Added By Action/s
https://www.flickr.com/photos/pete247/53080161022/in/feed-71728753-1690704055-1-72157721680578353 394 PRO LEYLAND SHOWMAN T.GREEN LEYLAND 1984 30/07/2023, 20:14 Merfyn Jones
There are no sightings of this vehicle.
Text Added By Action/s
Photo at https://www.flickr.com/photos/pete247/8381521026 10/05/2022, 12:06 Barnsley Cake
Data History
Added: 15/12/2021, 20:07
Added by: Thomas Young

Edits ?This section shows any changes that have been made to the database record for this vehicle. Unless you are logged-in as an Editor or Admin, only Edits marked as Public will be shown (i.e. not Private Edits).
Date Edited by Change Private Actions
20/06/2024, 23:37 Merfyn Jones New information N
06/05/2022, 01:11 Merfyn Jones Vehicle user record edited N