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533 results found. Page 1 of 6, showing results 1 to 100. Sorted by Note added (Newest First) Jump to page:
Subject ?The subject of the note can be a vehicle, a company or a photograph. To view full details of the subject, use the link here. Text ?The text of the note. Posted by ?The person who posted the note. On ?The date/time when the note was posted. Action/s ?Potential actions for each note are shown here.
Vehicle: FD64RWK Toyota Auctioned still with red/blue stripes at Burnley Auctioneers 3/7/24 John S 02/07/2024 20:54
Vehicle: GAR396 Karrier Photo at https://www.flickr.com/photos/116071498@N08/15608030518/ Barnsley Cake 03/05/2024 19:02
Vehicle: JKM427 AEC Should this be JKM427? Barnsley Cake 09/04/2024 07:38
Vehicle: JKM427 AEC Photo in Buses Vol.10 No.3. August 2007 Barnsley Cake 08/04/2024 14:20
Vehicle: BXR760 Morris Photo at https://www.flickr.com/photos/rw3-497alh/51310708400/ Barnsley Cake 17/02/2024 17:35
Vehicle: NK57CFZ Mitsubishi May have been a demonstrator. Later operated by Elmec Solutions and AB2000, now with Quattro Group and re-registered R41LFE. Carries safety advertising for MADMESS. Thomas Young 13/10/2023 14:17
Photo ID: 360 A nicely presented replica carrying the 1963 experimental livery which was not adopted. Merfyn Jones 02/09/2023 00:28
Photo ID: 331 Similar liveried vehicles used by "Land Sheriffs" security who have various contracts in South East RobMorel 08/05/2023 22:11
Vehicle: CC1087 Leyland In LT Museum collection (Acton Depot) Barnsley Cake 28/03/2023 06:55
Vehicle: 5260DN Scammell Re Registered as XMW 219 A on 01.09.2022. Peter Smeaton 22/11/2022 21:13
Vehicle: 5260DN Scammell Preserved and currently under restoration to red/cream livery by owner Peter Smeaton. Thomas Young 15/11/2022 20:47
Vehicle: YO19LFK Ford White E livery London Spotter 04/11/2022 21:25
Vehicle: BK69SJV Vauxhall White E livery. London Spotter 02/11/2022 18:21
Company: Stena Lines Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 Merfyn Jones 29/09/2022 14:57
Company: Stena Lines Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 Merfyn Jones 29/09/2022 14:57
Company: Stena Lines Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 Merfyn Jones 29/09/2022 14:57
Vehicle: PYR409Y Vauxhall Licensed 4/83 Blue Petrol Barnsley Cake 17/09/2022 08:09
Vehicle: YT67ZHY Ford Reallocated to NR Southern Route from 15/09/22. Jed 15/09/2022 11:20
Vehicle: MNN327P Leyland Used by Tyseley S&T No1 Mechanical Gang until being replaced in 1987. PThompson 04/07/2022 10:00
Vehicle: GRC852V Bedford Vehicle was based at TYSELEY by 1980 when I used it with Tyseley S&T Electrical Installation Gang. It remained at Tyseley thereafter until being scrapped. PThompson 04/07/2022 09:54
Vehicle: XCH389Y Ford Vehicle was allocated to Tyseley S&T Electrical Installation Gang from new. PThompson 04/07/2022 09:40
Vehicle: SMC519F Ford Photo at https://www.flickr.com/photos/58867145@N07/50147905317 Barnsley Cake 26/06/2022 19:14
Vehicle: SMC519F Ford Photo at https://www.flickr.com/photos/21611052@N02/47547869342 Barnsley Cake 26/06/2022 19:13
Vehicle: D586FYT Lansing Bagnall Error in reg. number Merfyn Jones 12/06/2022 21:11
Vehicle: MRC837P Reliance-Mercury These are probably Reliance not Reliant Merfyn Jones 12/06/2022 16:12
Vehicle: RNU97R Reliance-Mercury These are probably Reliance not Reliant Merfyn Jones 12/06/2022 16:08
Vehicle: RNU99R Reliance-Mercury These are probably Reliance not Reliant Merfyn Jones 12/06/2022 16:04
Vehicle: A230BTV Morris Morris registered 9/83 Yellow. Last licensed 31/10/95 (V5C 10/5/95) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:32
Vehicle: A228BTV Morris Morris registered 8/83 Yellow. Last licensed 31/1/95 (V5C 17/8/93) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:31
Vehicle: A226BTV Morris Morris registered 9/83 Yellow. Last licensed 30/6/92 (V5C 2/8/89) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:29
Vehicle: A224BTV Dodge Dodge registered 8/83 Yellow. Last licensed 28/4/94 (V5C 7/3/89) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:28
Vehicle: JGK345K Lansing Probably a Lansing not a Lancia Merfyn Jones 12/06/2022 14:27
Vehicle: A222BTV Dodge Dodge registered 9/83 Yellow. Last licensed 27/5/93 (V5C 7/3/89) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:27
Vehicle: A221BTV Dodge Dodge registered 9/83 Yellow. Last licensed 28/4/94 (V5C 7/3/89) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:26
Vehicle: A536CAU Freight Rover Freight Rover registered 10/83 Yellow. Last licensed 28/2/93 (V5C 14/10/92) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 14:25
Vehicle: A534CAU Freight Rover Freight Rover registered 10/83 Yellow. Last licensed 31/5/93 (V5C 21/6/93) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 13:41
Vehicle: A532CAU Freight Rover Freight Rover registered 11/83 Yellow. Last licensed 31/10/93 (V5C 24/5/93) Barnsley Cake 12/06/2022 13:40
Vehicle: DX53WNE Case Case Registered 12/2003 Yellow. Last licensed 28/6/2005 (V5C 8/9/2005) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 20:27
Vehicle: UAR759E Morris Morris Registered 7/67 Beige. Last licensed 31/10/84 (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 20:21
Vehicle: UAR662E Coles Coles Registered 3/67 Yellow. Last licensed 31/1/92 (V5C 8/3/89) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 20:18
Vehicle: TGE75 Land Rover Registration on Ford registered 10/2015 Grey. (V5C 2/10/2019) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 20:09
Vehicle: VXR219 Scott Scott registered 9/58 Maroon. Not taxed for road use. (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 11:33
Vehicle: XUC795 Greens Green registered 1/60 Red. Last licensed 30/6/95 (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 06:21
Vehicle: 558ELK Bedford Bedford registered 8/63 Yellow. Not taxed for road use (V5C 14/12/83) Barnsley Cake 10/06/2022 06:15
Vehicle: 54GLO Stanley Stanley registered 10/63 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:49
Vehicle: 243EYF Tennant Tennant registered 11/62 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:46
Vehicle: 545ELK Stanley Stanley Engine Co. Registered 9/62 Green. Not taxed for road use (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:44
Vehicle: 460EGB ? Registration currently on Beige Nissan registered 6/2012 Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:42
Vehicle: 473CLN Hyster Ransomes Hyster Ransomes registered 8/61 Green Last licensed 31/3/87 (V5C 8/8/84) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:39
Vehicle: 466CLN Harbilt Harboroughconstco registered 8/61 Green. Not taxed for road use. (V5C 29/7/91) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:37
Vehicle: 416CLN Harbilt Harbilt Electric registered 6/61 Brown. Not taxed for road use (V5C 29/7/91) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 17:35
Vehicle: ERC486J Coles Coles registered 1/71 Yellow. Last licensed 31/1/92 (V5C 8/3/89) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 10:50
Vehicle: ERC484J Coles Coles registered 1/71 Yellow. Last licensed 30/5/94 (V5C 22/2/96) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 10:49
Vehicle: LJH1H Land Rover Registration now on Grey Toyota registered 1/2017 Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 10:46
Vehicle: UAR789F NCK Rapier NCK Rapier registered 9/67 Green. Last licensed 28/9/93 (V5C 19/10/89) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 10:42
Vehicle: UAR794F NCK Rapier NCK Rapier registered 1/68 Green. Last Licensed 30/6/95 (V5C 2/5/96) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 10:40
Vehicle: JAR994C Coles Coles registered 12/65 Yellow. Last licensed 30/11/86 (V5C 19/6/84) Barnsley Cake 09/06/2022 06:26
Vehicle: 1PRO ? Currently on a Mercedes Registered 9/2007 but SORN at present (Silver) Barnsley Cake 08/06/2022 17:46
Vehicle: SMC177F Mercury Mercury registered 6/68 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. Gas (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 06/06/2022 19:21
Vehicle: UAR657F Fordson Fordson registered 2/68 Yellow. Last licensed 25/2/88 (V5C 8/3/89) Barnsley Cake 06/06/2022 19:17
Vehicle: BNK320G Bedford Bedford registered 2/69 yellow. Last licensed 30/6/87 (V5C 11/2/85) Barnsley Cake 06/06/2022 19:09
Vehicle: WBY205G Bedford Bedford registered 3/69 Yellow. Last licensed 30/4/86 (V5C 12/3/80) Barnsley Cake 06/06/2022 19:07
Vehicle: LJH551K Commer Commer registered 12/71 Blue. Last licensed 30/6/83 (V5C 4/11/85) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 10:08
Vehicle: LJH546K Commer Commer registered 12/71 Blue. Last licensed 29/2/84 (V5C 4/3/83) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 10:06
Vehicle: LJH543K Commer Commer registered 12/71 Yellow. Last licensed 31/8/83 (V5C 5/4/83) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 10:05
Vehicle: JGK345K Lansing Lancia registered 12/71 Red. Not taxed for road use. (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 10:04
Vehicle: LJH570K ? Bristol (BLMC) registered 11/71 Yellow. Last licensed 31/1/92 (V5C 28/2/91) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 09:59
Vehicle: LJH567K Commer Commer registered 1/72 Yellow. Last licensed 31/12/80 (V5C 19/2/81) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 09:57
Vehicle: RNU99R Reliance-Mercury Reliant registered 2/77 Yellow. Last licensed 31/12/93 (V5C 14/12/90) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:38
Vehicle: RNU97R Reliance-Mercury Reliant registered 2/77 Yellow. Last licensed 31/12/93 (V5C 14/12/90) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:37
Vehicle: MRC837P Reliance-Mercury Reliant registered 5/76 Yellow. Not taxed for road use (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:35
Vehicle: MNN313P Land Rover Land Rover registered 12/75 yellow. Last licensed 31/5/91 (V5C 28/1/89) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:33
Vehicle: GHV90N Daimler Registered 5/75 Multi coloured. Last licensed 14/11/93 (V5C 5/8/92) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:31
Vehicle: CYY620V Harbilt Harbilt Electric registered 1/80 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. (V5C 12/3/80) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:29
Vehicle: CYY619V Tennant Tennant registered 1/80 Yellow. not taxed for road use. (V5C 18/1/80) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:28
Vehicle: CYY608V Harbilt Harbilt Electric registered 12/79 Yellow. Not taxed for road use.(V5C 11/1/80) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:10
Vehicle: ANU356T Kelvin Kelvin registered 12/78 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. (V5C 26/8/94) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:08
Vehicle: TYF275S Bedford Bedford registered 10/77 Blue. Last licensed 31/5/93 (V5C 10/12/92) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:07
Vehicle: URC215S Kelvin Kelvin registered 9/77 Yellow. Not taxed for road use (V5C N/A) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:05
Vehicle: CYY683V Harbilt Harbilt Electric registered 4/80 Yellow. Last licensed 31/3/84 (V5C 10/11/89) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:03
Vehicle: CYY660V AWD AWD Registered 1/80 Yellow. Not taxed for road use. (V5C 11/2/80) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:02
Vehicle: HNU477V Benford Benford registered 3/80. Yellow. Last licensed 28/3/85 (V5C 17/3/80) Barnsley Cake 04/06/2022 08:00
Vehicle: L474ORR Leyland DAF Leyland DAF registered 5/94 Yellow. Last licensed 8/3/2006 (V5C 3/9/2004) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:30
Vehicle: L546NRC Ford Ford registered 4/94 White. Last licensed 27/4/2006 (V5C 13/3/2006) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:29
Vehicle: L544NRC Ford Ford registered 4/94 White. Last licensed 29/1/2004 (V5C 10/6/2002) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:28
Vehicle: L543NRC Ford Ford registered 4/94 White. Last licensed 31/8/2009 (V5C 9/3/2009) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:27
Vehicle: L541NRC Ford Ford registered 4/94 White. Last licensed 29/3/2005 (V5C 7/1/2005) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:26
Vehicle: L540NRC Ford Ford registered 4/94 Blue. Last licensed 31/10/2006 (V5C 18/11/2005) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:25
Vehicle: L785LVO Ford Iveco Ford registered 8/93 Yellow. Last licensed 28/2/2006 (V5C 12/2/2005) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:24
Vehicle: L482LNU Multicar Multicar M26 registered 8/93 Yellow. Last licensed 30/9/99 (V5C 13/10/2000) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:23
Vehicle: L481LNU Multicar Multicar M26 registered 8/93 Yellow. Last licensed 28/7/99 (V5C 24/10/97) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:21
Vehicle: K106JRC Leyland DAF Leyland DAF registered 7/93 Yellow.Last licensed 9/6/97 (V5C 3/2/97) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:20
Vehicle: K491JCH Ford Ford registered 3/93 Blue. Last licensed 30/9/2006 (V5C 26/7/2005) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:18
Vehicle: K474JCH Vauxhall Vauxhall registered 3/93 Yellow. Last licensed 28/2/2006 (V5C 29/3/2005) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:17
Vehicle: K230HTO Leyland DAF Leyland DAF registered 3/93 white.Last licensed 31/7/98 (V5C 10/12/98) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 16:16
Vehicle: K210GAU Leyland DAF Leyland DAF registered 9/92 Yellow. Last licensed 31/3/2002 (V5C 19/10/2000) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 08:32
Vehicle: K383GAL Ford Iveco Ford registered 8/92 Yellow. Last licensed 26/1/2003 (V5C 22/2/2022) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 08:30
Vehicle: J737GGH Rover Rover registered 7/92 White. Last licensed 30/6/96 (V5C 3/2/96) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 08:28
Vehicle: J129GGC Ford Iveco Ford registered 7/92 Yellow. SORN in place (V5C 3/5/2018) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 08:26
Vehicle: J127GGC Geismar Donelli Spa registered 7/92 Yellow. Last licensed 30/6/95 (V5C 31/3/95) Barnsley Cake 03/06/2022 08:23
Subject ?The subject of the note can be a vehicle, a company or a photograph. To view full details of the subject, use the link here. Text ?The text of the note. Posted by ?The person who posted the note. On ?The date/time when the note was posted. Action/s ?Potential actions for each note are shown here.
533 results found. Page 1 of 6, showing results 1 to 100. Sorted by Note added (Newest First) Jump to page: