Sightings (Most recent at top) Log-in to add your own sightings |
Date | Place | Comments | Posted By |
12/10/2017 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
23/09/2017 | Rayners Lane Station | Car park | Ray |
05/08/2017 | Alperton | Atlip Road | Ray |
27/07/2017 | Acton Works | | Ray |
12/03/2017 | King's Cross | Crestfield Street | Ray |
11/03/2017 | King's Cross Station | Crestfield Street (opposite station.) | Bob Milner |
15/10/2016 | Ealing | Leopold Road | Ray |
08/10/2016 | Bishopsgate | | Bob Milner |
30/08/2016 | Acton Works | | Ron Wastock |
21/08/2016 | Camden Town Station | | Steve Howard |
14/05/2016 | East Finchley Station | | Ray |
02/04/2016 | Old Broad Street | | Ray |
28/11/2015 | Euston Square Station | | Steve Howard |
22/11/2015 | Hornchurch | Station car park | London spotter |
22/07/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
16/07/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
07/07/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Steve Howard |
05/06/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | Night | Bob Milner |
12/04/2015 | Wembley | | Bob Milner |
16/02/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | Smallbills | Ray |
15/02/2015 | Acton Works | Staff car park | Bob Milner |
14/02/2015 | East Acton | station | Ray |
31/01/2015 | East Acton | station | Ray |
11/01/2015 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Bob Milner |
16/11/2014 | East Acton | station | Steve Howard |
08/11/2014 | Loughton Station | | Ray |
23/10/2014 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
04/10/2014 | Grange Hill | station | Ray |
22/09/2014 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
28/08/2014 | Acton, Bollo Lane | | Ray |
16/08/2014 | Stepney | Beaumont Grove | Steve Howard |
16/08/2014 | Stepney | Beaumont Grove | Ray |
16/07/2014 | Lambeth North | Night | Ray |
05/05/2014 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Bob Milner |
18/03/2014 | Victoria | Victoria Street. Passing | Thomas Young |
18/03/2014 | Victoria | Grosvenor Place | Steve Howard |
13/03/2014 | Northumberland Avenue | Night | Steve Howard |
25/02/2014 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Ray |
09/01/2014 | Queen's Park Station | Night | Steve Howard |
17/10/2013 | Acton, Bollo Lane | - | Ray |
19/08/2013 | Marylebone Road | Night | Steve Howard |
13/08/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Ray |
13/08/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Thomas Young |
10/08/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Thomas Young |
10/07/2013 | Regent's Park | Night | Steve Howard |
07/07/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Bob Milner |
03/07/2013 | Marylebone Road | Night | Steve Howard |
25/06/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Ray |
06/06/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
03/06/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Bob Milner |
08/05/2013 | Waterloo | Night | Steve Howard |
28/04/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Bob Milner |
08/04/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
27/03/2013 | King's Cross | Night | Steve Howard |
07/03/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
27/02/2013 | King's Cross | Night | Steve Howard |
19/02/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
14/02/2013 | Victoria | Victoria Street. Night, passing | Steve Howard |
04/02/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
28/01/2013 | Lambeth North | Night | Steve Howard |
10/01/2013 | Lambeth North Station | Night | Steve Howard |
05/01/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | By the Osborne House entance with other vehicles | Paul Snelling |
02/01/2013 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Ray |
30/12/2012 | Northumberland Park Depot | - | Bob Milner |