LTSV Wagons Photo Gallery - Information

| Using the gallery Navigating around the gallery should be fairly self-explanatory. You can either select one or more values from the drop-down boxes to apply filters and sorting, or you can use the links on the left-hand menu to quickly view pre-defined sets. Use the 'Update' button to apply your chosen filters, or 'Reset' to clear them. Each index page will show the first 100 results (unless fewer matching photos are found). Controls are provided to jump to other pages.
On the index page, a thumbnail image for each matching photo is displayed. Underneath will be shown the wagon number and its TOPS and design codes. Hovering over the thumbnail will additionally show details of when and where the photograph was taken. Clicking on any thumbnail will open a page with a large version of the image. The large images are 1200x800 pixels but are initially displayed at 900x600 pixels. Click any large image to view it full-size in a new window.
If you have any suggestions about which filters and controls should be included on the index page (or if you encounter any problems), please e-mail me at tom 'at' ltsv.com.
If sorting photos by wagon number, users should be aware that this works on the basis of there being several number series, and also that prefixes are not included in the sorting. For example, a list of photos sorted by number would show DC967588 before B462753, and VTG14381 before REDA14520. The order in which the series are displayed is as follows:
BR Air-braked wagons (unprefixed or DC-prefixed etc)
BR Vacuum-braked wagons (B or DB etc prefixes)
BR CEPS number-series ('on-track plant' mainly DR-prefixed
ex-LNER wagons (none included yet)
ex-LMS wagons (none included yet)
Private-owner wagons (various prefixes, indicating the owner)
RIV/UIC "International" wagons
ex-SR wagons
ex-GWR wagons (none included yet)
RIV numbers are sorted by country code, type code, exchange code, then wagon number. So for example, 83.70.4520.057-8 appears before 33.70.4746.121-1, and that appears before 23.80.2829.279-1.
Users should note that when you click on the Photos button on the main (top) menu, you will be taken back to your last selection (if you had made one). So, for example, if you select to view HOA hoppers, then browse through the photos, clicking on the Photos button again will show only the HOA photos. Use the 'Reset' button to clear any filters. Using your browsers 'back' button to return to the photo index page will (should!) also retain the previous user selections. About the images Apart from a few taken in the 1980s, all the photos so far added have been taken in London since 2004. Many wagon types are therefore not included, simply because they are never seen in London. It is hoped to eventually cover all wagon types regularly seen in the capital, and perhaps some types from other regions too.
Many of the images are taken as trains passed, which can result in a large number of very similar-looking photos. It is hoped to cover different angles as well as close-ups of particular details as and when possible.
All images are available in two sizes; a thumbnail of 150x100 pixels, and a full-size version at 1200x800. Larger originals can be e-mailed on request. Every image has an information block added to the bottom. TOPS and design codes given here are based on the best available information at the time and will be marked as such if unconfirmed. Similarly, photos where the identity of the wagon is not confirmed will be marked as such, although in most cases these photos have not been included. Using the images Users are permitted to save images for their personal use. Right-click on any large image and pick 'Save Picture As...'. For use on websites (or any other publications) please contact me by e-mailing tom 'at' ltsv.com first. In most cases higher resolution originals will be available.
Contributing photos I would be very happy to include images from other photographers, especially if they cover types not already featured. Photos can be e-mailed (along with related information such as the location and date) to tom 'at' ltsv.com. Please only send photographs that you took yourself or which you hold the copyright of. Images should be at least 1200 pixels wide but ideally as large as possible.

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