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Lots of vehicles were parked at the south end of the lorry yard at Acton Works on 13th July 2024. To the fore is new Ford Transit Connect crew van 9189F in TfL livery. Although licensed at the end of April 2024, this appears to have been delivered in June, and it had been allocated to Stratford Market Depot by August. Parked in the middle is KS73MTY, one of a pair of plain white Citroen Berlingo vans that had perhaps been hired pending new deliveries, while beyond that are Peugeot Partner Tepee 8565P (far right) and TfL Toyota Yaris 8893T, neither of which seems to be old enough to be due for replacement. Other vehicles were mainly Renault Kangoo vans that were on the way out.
Photo ID: 7884
Photo date: 13/07/2024 Size: Regular. An extra large copy of this photo is available.
Date added: 30/09/2024