LTSV > Service Vehicles > Photos > Photo 7855
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Transport UK has been acquiring a variety of second-hand cars lately, as replacements for the numerous Ford Fiestas latterly used as crew ferry vehicles by Abellio. Some (but not all) of the additions have been given Transport UK fleetnames, while a few also have fleetnumbers in the 68xx series. YY16WSX is a Citroen C4 car in a slightly unusual pale blue colour, and it was photographed at the Southall (Great Western) garage on 1st June 2024. Electric single-deck buses (by Wright and Switch) are now being allocated here, but there are still almost 60 diesel Enviro 200s like the ones seen in the background.
Photo ID: 7855
Photo date: 01/06/2024 Size: Regular. An extra large copy of this photo is available.
Date added: 04/08/2024