LTSV > Service Vehicles > Photos > Photo 7792
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The 'white with blue skirt' livery that was virtually standard for LUL service vehicles from 1990 onwards does make it easier to spot former service vehicles, since the blue skirt is often retained. Derek noticed this VW Caddy Maxi crew van parked on railway premises at Eastleigh on 28th February 2024 and closer inspection showed it to be former Tube Lines 7549VW. It was one of several new in 2012 that were allocated to Edgware Track Depot and which managed to avoid being photographed whilst in London service. The strange pattern on the van sides is actually an enlarged and rotated VW logo.
Photo ID: 7792
Photo date: 28/02/2024 Size: Regular. An extra large copy of this photo is available.
Date added: 31/05/2024