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Title: Sighting Locations
Category: Website Guidance and Questions
Posted by: John Lloyd-Martin
On: 13/02/2006 21:13
Text: Hi, May I offer a suggestion re recording sighting locations ? As an 'out of towner' it is handy to use say all 2005 sightings, & sort alphabetically by location, so as to try & establish what potentially might be seen where on a visit. That will produce 'Anytown', 'near Anytown' and 'passing Anytown at 5pm', in three entirely different places on a lengthy list. If I suggested that these were entered with the MAIN location first, ie 'Anytown - near' and 'Anytown - passing at 5pm', it would produce a better order, & allow any of us who chooses, to obtain a more meaningful picture of what is seen where. (ie all Anytowns appear together.) It is only a suggestion - shoot me down if you wish! Regards from Leeds, John L-M

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