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Title: Taxi at Canada Water
Category: Hires, Loans and Unknowns
Posted by: Ray
On: 22/01/2006 16:49
Text: There is often a taxi in the LTB reserved spot at Canada Water. On 20/01/2006 the one in use was registered H175 YUL and it carried an 'official' notice in the window. Who are these owned by?

2 replies, shown below in date order (oldest first).
Posted by Thomas Young at 12:14 on 01/02/2006
There seem to be three possibilities for this. 1) It is a crew ferry vehicle for one of the operators serving Canada Water, 2) it is owned by one of the bus station staff or 3) it is a 'special/covert' vehicle like 2500 (D98FHM). Let's see if it turns up anywhere else.

Posted by John at 20:45 on 17/10/2006
Used to work near Canada Water station . I am sure that the black taxi in question is used privately by one of the LT station controllers. John