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<< Why do some fleetnumbers have an asterisk after them? Farewell Metronet >>

Title: Unhalfbricking 6
Category: Central Fleet Leased Vehicles
Posted by: Ray
On: 02/04/2009 20:59
Text: 1282F was replaced by 2086F (converted late 1982/early 1983). This vehicle is registered on DVLA as grey whereas it should be red. Sister 2088F is registered as red whereas it was grey, staying with LT until May 1983 when it seems to have been sold for scrap (licence expired 30/5/83). It seems that either somebody read the number wrong (6 for 8) and registered the wrong vehicle as red, but this would not have been the case as 2088 had last been licensed 12 months earlier, or could it be that 2088 provided parts for 2086 or vice-versa or indeed having converted 2088 the body was put on 2086 at the last moment as having a better chassis?

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