RRV Index >
This pages shows all the notes that have been posted by users of this website. Notes can relate to individual vehicles, photos or companies. To see details of any note, including editing options, click on the 'View' button in the last column.
To add your own comments, navigate to the detail page for the item in question. If you are logged-in, there will be a button to allow you to add a note.
4 results found. Page 1 of 1, showing results 1 to 4. Sorted by Note added (Newest First) |
Subject ?The subject of the note can be a vehicle, a company or a photograph. To view full details of the subject, use the link here. |
Text ?The text of the note. |
Posted by ?The person who posted the note. |
On ?The date/time when the note was posted. |
Action/s ?Potential actions for each note are shown here. |
Company: Stena Lines |
Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 |
Merfyn Jones |
29/09/2022 14:57 |
Company: Stena Lines |
Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 |
Merfyn Jones |
29/09/2022 14:57 |
Company: Stena Lines |
Bought Sealink business from Sea Containers Ltd in 1991 |
Merfyn Jones |
29/09/2022 14:57 |
Company: Network Rail |
This is a dummy entry to test the process for adding notes about a company. It will be deleted in due course. |
Thomas Young |
21/12/2021 18:13 |
Subject ?The subject of the note can be a vehicle, a company or a photograph. To view full details of the subject, use the link here. |
Text ?The text of the note. |
Posted by ?The person who posted the note. |
On ?The date/time when the note was posted. |
Action/s ?Potential actions for each note are shown here. |
4 results found. Page 1 of 1, showing results 1 to 4. Sorted by Note added (Newest First) |