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Photographer / Copyright
Ray Monk
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North Greenwich Highways Alliance

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Details: The details of the TfL Highways operation remains something of a mystery to us, and (for the time being) the car shown in this photo is not included in the database. Seen at the North Greenwich Highways Alliance base on 31st August 2019, MA68WHV is a Hyundai Ioniq hybrid car similar to MK19FLC apart from having an even smaller light bar. To recap the situation, the London Buses infrastructure section was transferred to TfL in late 2016, and new vehicles were now in white/blue rather than red (although 8267VW was the only known example). A few months later, the fleet was moved from its traditional locations (mainly at bus stations such as Orpington and Stratford) to 'somewhere else'. It was later discovered that they had gone to Highways Alliance bases, including ones at Harlesden and Picketts Lock. The remaining red vans were then then disposed of during 2018, seemingly being replaced by un-numbered vans like OU68NUV. Although carrying TfL lettering, these were not supplied by Acton Works, and hence we did not know how many there were. The Highways Alliance bases also have cars allocated, mainly with a yellow stripe and lettering like that seen in the Morden photo linked above, though two at North Greenwich were silver with TfL markings. The fact that there have been no further reports of similarly-marked cars (or vans) over the past 2 years suggests that there might not be many of them. Having said that, a small van was recently noted parked at Turnpike Lane bus station in the same livery as the van photo linked above, but with the yellow stripe lower down.

To add to the unknowns:
8267VW appears to still be current but its whereabouts are unknown.
A newer Ford Transit van (8863F) is apparently in a similar livery. Role and allocation unknown.
Fourteen Toyota Yaris cars in TfL white/blue were leased in 2019 (numbered between 8836T and 8899T), most of which have not been seen since delivery.

I had intended to pay a visit to Picketts Lock once the COVID lockdown was eased, though it looked like a long walk and I didn't manage it before Lockdown 2 started. So, I have been limited to on-line hunting. I found one resource which I thought might prove useful, this being an interactive map showing land owned by (or leased to) TfL, LBSL, LUL and the Greater London Authority. I have spent some time browsing this map, but have not yet found anything that might help answer these questions. The site is worth a look anyway, and it can be found at

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