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Forum: Web Site
Topic: Diary of a Webmaster

Logging sightings - bit of a drag
Sat 04/03/06, 00:34
3 Replies
I have today had to do my first bulk manual inputting of sightings, and I now realise it is a bit of a drag doing them one at a time. So, thanks again to those who have endured the process and pushed our total up to almost 4000. There may be a way to improve the design, and I am open to suggestions.

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Multi sightings
Thu 09/03/06, 23:14
That works pretty well ! Will definitely save some time. John L-M

This might help a bit...
Wed 08/03/06, 20:51
When you are looking at a vehicles details, the URL will look something like To quickly go to another numbered vehicle's details, edit the URL in the address bar and press return. At least you then do not need to navigate to each vehicle before entering sightings. I will still look for an ideal solution.

Logging multiple sightings
Sat 04/03/06, 10:54
Tom, There appear to be two options dependant on your flexibility with the site. A: on login be presented with a 'sighting details field(s)' to enter date & place thereof, & then recall individual vehicles with a check box that just requires marking with 'x' or whatever to link the sighting, or B: Build a list of several vehicles, and then fields to add date & place as above, and text to the effect '' add this sighting to all these vehicles - yes/no'' or similar. Those are my thoughts. John, in a snowy Leeds !