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Forum Post
Forum: Vehicles
Topic: Bus Company

Travel London
Sat 24/09/05, 14:41
2 Replies
Seen at Victoria on Saturday 17th September during the afternoon: SO53AZX, a white Ford Transit van with ''Travel London'' on the back (in red lettering) and a small red sqaure label in the middle of the bonnet with a white roundel on it. Shot off before I could get the camera out! Can't find it listed on this site so it's a new entry!

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Second hand acquisitions methinks!
Sun 25/09/05, 10:43
I reckon it's related to SM03ZGF (which I thought was hired) also seen at Victoria, and EF03EAE seen at Vauxhall. Looks like they've been down to the used van dealers.

I thought it was a hire van!
Sat 24/09/05, 18:09
Thanks for the update. I have a picture of this white van and the red roundel on the front was similar to some of the hire vans used by LBSL. Anyway, I will add the record.
By the way, would it not be better if you could see the post when you are writing a reply? Time for a bit more programming!