LTSV > Service Vehicles > Photos > Photo 7583
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TfL Nissan Leaf car 9101N was a common sight at either Turnpike Lane or Walthamstow bus stations until late 2022, after which no sightings have been reported. This photo offers a potential clue, showing the car parked at Edmonton Green Bus Station on 10th July 2023. This location has normally been served by vehicles from other allocations but perhaps this car has now moved here. Note the poppy on the bonnet, rather early for 2023 or very late for 2022! Actually, it had a poppy when I saw it in July 2021, so perhaps this could be considered to be a permanent change of livery!
Photo ID: 7583
Photo date: 10/07/2023 Size: Extra Large. View regular size
Date added: 30/07/2023