LTSV > Service Vehicles > Photos > Photo 3921
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I promised to publish a photo of this vehicle ages ago, and today I remembered. BL1 was an un-registered left-hand drive Bedford Lacre sweeper new in about 1955. As can be seen, it was based on a Bedford truck chassis/cab of the time. BL1 was allocated to Aldenham Works, where it was photographed in August 1967. It differed from Chiswick Work's BL2 in having a canvas tilt cover to the waste hopper, rather than a curved metal cover. BL1 is reported to have lasted until about 1985, possibly being disposed of as Aldenham Works was wound down. Interestingly I recently found my spotting notes from the Aldenham open day held in 1983. My scrawls did include a sighting of BL1, but I am not sure if that was this vehicle or the Bristol LH bus BL1!
Photo ID: 3921
Photo date: 01/08/1967 Size: Regular
Date added: 11/04/2012