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Username: Damon
Joined: 23/09/2005, 23:27
About member: Specialist in the finer points of 1456MR and 1457MR and expert of photographing the back of everything! I am a keen transport photographer who has always snapped any service vehicle passing within a mile or two. I currently devote my spare time to seeking out any former bus and tramway buildings in London or their remains. These include former tram depots, bits of track, substations and bus garages or just small bits of wall that may still be there - even LCC Tramways man hole covers and section boxes etc. I am also trying to record all operational London bus garages on film (well compactflash card actually) and stumble across service vehicles a lot of the time as a result! Any clues to any locations gratefully received.

Statistics ?This lists the quantity of sightings and notes that have been posted by this member. Note that only approved items are counted. Items that are awaiting approval, or which have been rejected, are not counted. When you are logged-in, your unapproved items will be listed further down this page.
Sightings posted: 2,709
Notes posted: 250