LTSV > Service Vehicles > Fleet Data > Location List > Location Details (Location ID 845)
<< Islington Sub-station Junction Road, Holloway >>
Location Details

Name: Jamestown Road, Camden Photo
Type: Other
Code: JTR
Dates: ?
Status: Closed
Info: Advertising
Current vehicles: 0 ?This is the amount of vehicles listed as being currently allocated to this location.
All vehicles: 91 ?This is the amount of vehicles listed as ever being allocated to this location (subject to the comprehensiveness of our vehicle history records!).
Photos: 5 ?This is the number of published photos that were taken at this location. (See below)
Sightings: 9 ?This is the amount of sightings reported at this location.
Location Notes

Text Date Posted by
The premises are still extant. 03/10/2008 Ray
10 Jamestown Road, NW1 7BY. A list I have from 1992 shows LT having leases on 4-6 Jamestown Road (commercial premises)and 10-26 Jamestown Road (offices). 11/12/2013 Damon
LT Advertising by 1983, LTA Advertising Ltd. by 1994-1994. LDI Ltd (ex LTA advertising) by 1995. 11/12/2013 Damon
Jamestown Road was formerley James Street. It was home to horse bus premises at Boltons Yard and Suffolk Wharf. Both were owned by the London General Omnibus Company. Boltons Yard was in use 24/6/1856 to 25/3/1910 and housed an infirmary and smithy. Suffolk Wharf was in used 25/3/1857 to November 1910. This covers pretty much the formation of the L.G.O.C. until the end of the horse bus with the General. 11/12/2013 Damon
LOTS TLB231 (November 1983) stated that the publicity vans from Baker Street had moved to this new location. 16/09/2020 Thomas Young
Location User/s ?The data for this section is still being added.

No users have been recorded yet.
Photos at Location

There are 5 photos taken at this location, as below (with the most recently added shown first).

Data History

Added: 2010-01-01 12:00:00
Added by: Thomas Young

Edits ?This section shows any changes that have been made to the database record for this operator. Unless you are logged-in as an Editor or Admin, only Edits marked as Public will be shown (i.e. not Private Edits).
This location has not yet been edited.