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Title: 5728F
Category: Central Fleet Leased Vehicles
Posted by: Kim Rennie
On: 08/08/2006 15:58
Text: Transit open lorry 5728F is lettered 'Transport for London' on the cab door instead of either Metronet or Tube Lines. Anyone know why?

4 replies, shown below in date order (oldest first).
Posted by Thomas Young at 13:12 on 10/08/2006
This is interesting. Two other vehicles carry TfL lettering on white and blue livery, namely archive van 5684F and uniform service van 5816F. Neither of these sections would seem to need a dropside though. The silver street maintenance vehicles also carry TfL. Perhaps 5728F is a transfer or loan to them. Did the lettering look permanent or temporary?

Posted by Kim Rennie at 19:57 on 11/08/2006
The lettering was 'proper' as per the Archive van (though I only saw the nearside). It was almost as if the Works & Building Dept had carried on and now supported TfL!!!

Posted by Thomas Young at 10:07 on 15/08/2006
By coincidence this passed me this morning, and it looked very fresh as if recently cleaned or repainted. It also has the mesh type of tail-lift.

Posted by Thomas Young at 10:03 on 20/08/2006
5728F now with Street Maintenance? A picture added today shows 5728F in the Carlisle Lane base of TfL Streets. This presumably explains the change of logo.