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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 06/04/2002
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Seen by: Self
Source: Seen
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98571 [44871] LTLocos - BR TOPS
98273 [65243] LTLocos - BR TOPS
98405 [80105] LTLocos - BR TOPS
50021 LTLocos - BR TOPS
47643 LTLocos - BR TOPS
08443 LTLocos - BR TOPS
26004 LTLocos - BR TOPS
26024 LTLocos - BR TOPS
27001 LTLocos - BR TOPS
27005 LTLocos - BR TOPS
25235 LTLocos - BR TOPS
D5394 LDLocos - BR D-prefixed Diesel
D5862 LDLocos - BR D-prefixed Diesel
37025 LTLocos - BR TOPS
970214 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed
DB996945 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed
DR80000 DCDepartmental Stock - BR CEPS
59404 CECoaching Stock - LNER
79443 CBCoaching Stock - BR
DS70190 CBCoaching Stock - BR
12059 CBCoaching Stock - BR
24725 CBCoaching Stock - BR
27389 CMCoaching Stock - LMS
27407 CMCoaching Stock - LMS
31036 CMCoaching Stock - LMS
37817 CMCoaching Stock - LMS
40226 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
1184 CSCoaching Stock - SR
DE773090 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed
4271 CBCoaching Stock - BR
10021 CBCoaching Stock - BR
62540 CBCoaching Stock - BR
80417 CBCoaching Stock - BR
1730 (R) CBCoaching Stock - BR
1859 (R) CBCoaching Stock - BR
1866 CBCoaching Stock - BR
2821 CBCoaching Stock - BR
2612 CBCoaching Stock - BR
2822 CBCoaching Stock - BR
2613 CBCoaching Stock - BR
3094 CBCoaching Stock - BR
99827 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
3096 (R) CBCoaching Stock - BR
4215 CBCoaching Stock - BR
4224 CBCoaching Stock - BR
4422 CBCoaching Stock - BR
Added: 13/06/2024
Approval: Approved, semi/self
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