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Taken half way down North Street, this is a great spot for photography on a sunny day in Brighton. Gives good shots for a couple of hours around lunchtime - this was taken at about 1330. There's an endless stream of buses down this road including open-toppers from Devil's Dyke and the City Sightseeing fleet as well. The main road at Churchill Square is also great earlier on. Those of you from London can get a Southern Daysave ticket on the internet for a tenner if you fancy a trip down on the Brighton Express from Victoria. Southern Advance is three quid each way or a Downlander is £12.50 and gives you buses as well. B & H do a Super saver for £2.80 on the internet - that's their whole network for £2.80 for the day - bargain! All these tickets are available on the internet. So why not get out of London for the day?!
Note: Edited by Damon, 19/08/08, 00:59.
Sat 16/08/2008, 22:02
I have been looking at Rangers today (the Ford car, not the Scottish football team) and this example looks a lot weedier than the rest. It seems to sit lower on its suspension and has no bulging wheelarches. The front design is also rather different. I suspect this may be a 2WD version. It also has no doors for the back seats.
Note: Edited by Thomas Young, 03/08/08, 22:37.
Sun 03/08/2008, 22:36
One of my favourite photos on the site! You all probably know this Matador was originally based at AEC's Service Centre at Southall Works before LCBS acquired it.Sat 28/06/2008, 15:01
Another such vehicle is KJ06KAX, noted at Acton todayThu 26/06/2008, 18:45
Well, I say that... but it has a roundel and Travel London logo on the rear!Mon 23/06/2008, 17:29
Thanks Ray. Note to self; Check my facts before posting captions in future!Mon 23/06/2008, 17:28
Both 5 & 7 have been reported elsewhere (Pinner & Slough) but not for the 231 presumably.Mon 23/06/2008, 11:00
Isn't this a mid-height van rather than a high-roof van as it is described in the vehicle details, as well as being SWB?Wed 14/05/2008, 16:51
Useful seeing them side by side like this. Notice also the sidelights are different. The stalk-type sidelights on 1457MR (right) were originally fitted on 1456MR as well, but they have subsequently been replaced by another type seen sometimes on Mk I Militants.Sun 13/04/2008, 19:56
When I arrived the coach was already on the back of the trailer. The trailer wheels were all retracted towards the tractor. Using hand held controls the crew then moved the wheels back towards the back end of the trailer. During this process the trailer became a bit of a see-saw and the weight of the coach tipped the back end down then lifting the tractor up by the fifth wheel. The crew then reversed the process to make a few adjustments. All very clever. I presume that either the coach was severley disabled or that there is an issue with taking such a long vehicle on suspended tow - gross train lengths and all that?Fri 04/04/2008, 11:14
All of this type have had a repaint when taken over. Not all had a dent put in the side, however.Thu 03/04/2008, 20:55
Noted in Lee High Road, SE13 2/4/2008. It can be found on Welling Way at weekends.Wed 02/04/2008, 18:34
As noted in the database and forum, 6373V is now reg LT08NXE, although whether it is the actual same vehicle as shown here is unknown. According to DVLA, LN57UMB never got licensed as such.Fri 28/03/2008, 22:39
There were 5 Rangers present on 28th February. The four listed above plus one unknown. Is the ramp so steep that they need 4WD?Sat 01/03/2008, 16:49
l once owned this bus - l`m not the driver in the photo though - l sold this bus on ebay for £3450 Dec 2006 and MLL 735 is now in the hands of Ensign Bus Museum who plan to restore it for their museum collection - Out of the 65 BEA RFs which were given the London Transport designed Park Royal bodies - MLL 735 was `the` bus that spent the `longest time in active service` - a total of 24 & 1/2 years - ln 1977 it went into storage for a further 22 yrs - There is up until recently a `well kept dark secret` with regards this bus, At some time between 1977 & 1999 MLL 735 was taken out of `preservation storage` and `donated` as a form of `compensation` to the owner of `another` bus which it is alledged was actively `stolen` by London Transport - lf you research lans Bus Stop pages with regards the BEA RFs - in `HISTORIES` at the bottom of the page you will see that in June 1977 ownership changed hands to S Baldwin, Highgate London, N22, then a short time soon after onto a Collins, Beckenham Kent and at some point during 1979 bought by J Mitchell Bethersden Kent (During these 2 years 1977 - 1979 MLL 735 actually changed ownership 3 times with no dates specified) the next recording is November 2006 `in store` in Leeds Yorkshire (me) again Nov 2006 for sale on ebay (again me) then Dec 2006 bought by Ensign Bus Museum for the museum collection. lt also seems strange that the bus history between 1999 to November 2006 has not been recorded ? - Back in 1977 when MLL 735 came out of active service, the bus `was infact put into preservation storage by London Transport for future restoration` as detailed in the general history of the fleet, MLL 735 `was` taken out of that preservation storage and donated as a form of compensation with regards the `stolen` bus which MLL 735 then replaced !!! it is for partly this reason as to `WHY ?` MLL 735 became part of the New Age Travellers scene, for the next 7 yrs the bus travelled all over the UK attending many New Age Travellers sites, and Free Festival Gatherings including Stonehenge Monument and Pilton village. Quite a famous bus really ! Although the bus does actually look quite awful in the above photograph, the New Age Travellers actually kept the bus in fairly `good condition` - Watch out for this bus in the coming years - l know that a web site including over 100 photos of its time spent with the New Age Travellers will be posted in the future - l received an email from Steve Newman a couple of weeks back, he tells me he has managed to find the correct seats and some internal fittings - so it looks like Ensign Bus Museum are to restore MLL 735 back to a passenger carrying vehicle rather than the `Uniform Issue Unit` it was when last used in active service - l wish them well with the project - Phil Southwold
Note: Edited by Phil Southwold, 29/02/08, 06:19.
Fri 29/02/2008, 04:57
Rangers identified today were 5953F, 5958F and 6114F.Mon 04/02/2008, 15:06
Note the ticket collectors' boxes behind the dolly stops, both would have been made or assembled at Parsons Green.Sun 03/02/2008, 14:02
Doh. Thanks Ray. I'm going to edit the caption before anyone else notices!Sat 02/02/2008, 20:44
I spoke to the crow after taking the photo and suggested that if he saw a NCP Challenger bus coming down he flag it as there may be a long wait for a Transdev bus! I then flew back to Acton Town as the crow walksSat 02/02/2008, 20:30
Market Road has closed and is now in use as a van rental centre.Tue 22/01/2008, 19:29
MX07EOU was still on hire at 09/01/2008 - noted ActonThu 10/01/2008, 19:23
I suaspect this is used by the lifts & escalator departmentWed 26/12/2007, 21:08
Brilliant collection of service vehicle models, most of which appear to be white metal kits with some commercially produced models that have been rebuilt/repainted. I am keen to make contact and discuss aspects of the modelling and service vehicles as you are probably aware I also have some models that appear in the August 2007 picture siteSun 23/12/2007, 01:03
I note the lettering font is non-standard, including a lower case ''Buses'' on the roundel.Tue 18/12/2007, 20:30
I think you're right,it looks like Lillie Bridge to me too.Sun 09/12/2007, 00:18
LOTS TLB178 (June 1979) states under Via point 178/9 on the back page that the following turned up at the BX open day: 1989F, 1274LD, 1456MR, RM1033, DMS334, RT1702, DMO1, RM2184 (Shillibeer), MD93, LS105, MBA581, RF26, FRM1, RM2146 (Shop Linker), M47, STL441, STL2692, RT1 and Trolleybus 1253. I still can't find any record of seeing it myself but my records aren't much cop and as it wasn't in any fleet lists I wouldn't have marked it off would I? The plot thickens...Tue 04/12/2007, 15:36
Hmm, I didn't think of that! I suspect the LT variation sheets (from which most published information is drawn) were wrong and that 1274LD lasted longer. Ridler was a dealer who took a lot of SVs.Tue 04/12/2007, 14:05
Is this Lillie Bridge? The p-way LD's were based at Lillie Bridge, Baker Street and Whitechapel I believe.Tue 04/12/2007, 00:40
If this vehicle was sold in 1976 what was it doing in the photograph at Baker Street in 1977?
Note: Edited by Ray, 03/12/07, 20:20.
Mon 03/12/2007, 20:19
Don't think it was there really! Just checked my records and I've never seen 1274LD. As 1456MR was there (most definitely - I sat in the cab!), I'd have thought that 1416LD would've come with it.
TLB extra for 1976 says it went then. It doesn't appear on any post 1976 fleet lists. Who was F Ridler? Preservationist? Is it in a shed somewhere? I do love a mystery.
Note: Edited by Damon Cross, 03/12/07, 20:34.
Mon 03/12/2007, 19:24
If this vehicle was sold in May 1976, what was it doing at Bexleyheath garage open day in May 1979? Did it get preserved, is the disposal date wrong, or was the visitor actually one of the other (longer-lived) Titans?Mon 03/12/2007, 09:42
These had gone by 20th November 2007.Sun 25/11/2007, 12:34
A good way to check is the number plate which should show 'Bank of Scotland'Sun 25/11/2007, 12:33
The rather rusty Combo in the background (N869EVW) has been noted parked in West Croydon bus station as well.Sun 04/11/2007, 22:56
Brian Elvidge, The registration number of the RMC is just readable in this view to me this reads 473 CLT, which would be RMC 1473 which was Green. The bonnet number too is just readable and appears to confirm this view.Can anyone else confirm this.Thu 11/10/2007, 21:00
I seem to have lost both the print and the scan of this picture, which is a shame as someone has asked for the identity of the RMC! According to my London Bus Handbooks, the following RMCs were still green in 1985. 1459, 1473, 1477, 1480, 1491, 1499, 1508 & 1516. Does anyone have notes or pictures that can confirm it?Sun 07/10/2007, 21:06
N751OYR is sponsored by Stagecoach and was found (along with an all white one) at Perivale Met Police Traffic Unit garage today.Sun 07/10/2007, 15:49
2533M was the first 'signal courier' van used by ERU when the function of emergency deliveries of signalling equipment was dumped on ERU. Previously, the Signal Department had a Transit van and 4 shift-working staff, based at Whitechapel, to undertake this role. The 4 staff positions were transferred to ERU, but not the vehicle. 2533 looks rather pristine and undented, so the picture must be from very early in its ERU career, poor thing led a hard life!!Sat 22/09/2007, 17:23
This depot is used by the TFL Transport Policing & Enforcement UnitSun 16/09/2007, 18:47
The tow-a-van trailer in the background is CBT55.Wed 05/09/2007, 20:49
Sir,well done on such a fine model! You obviously have a great skill in ''scratch building''. Would you consider making me a tow -wagon similar to your own? I am a keen bus enthusiast/model collector, but do find the lack of ''service vehicles'' somewhat of a pain. As you say,they add a touch of realism to any ''street scene'',as depicted in your own model. I worked for LT/London United on the engineering/stores side for 23yrs. and drove many a ''wagon'' in my time. I'd love to add some ''colour'' to my' own collection. I hope you'll consider my' request and get back to me. Cheers! Derek.Fri 31/08/2007, 20:28
Nice picture as a matter of interest, what RT is behind it, it could only be RT 1018, 3461 or my one RT 604! The front dome looks battered enough to be 604.
Note: Edited by Michael Ellis, 22/08/07, 20:38.
Wed 22/08/2007, 20:37
This is thought to have been a predecessor of 5215LR and 6221F.Sun 19/08/2007, 18:28
Les Many congratulations on your super models. I have a couple of questions - is BMC 'Tundra' still avai;able? - certainly I couldn't find any in my Halfords. Secondly can you provide either transfers or the artwork for the tarnsfers you have used? I have done a few conversions including a cut down EFE STL to represent a Tower Wagon, a GS to represent 1311CD which I used LBRT transfers for - but the fleet number from this is gold when I think it was always white, and a conversion of GS47 to the St John Ambulance LT Corps Mobile Unit - I know this is not really a Service Vehicle. I can provide photos if anyone is interested? Chris BattenTue 14/08/2007, 20:05
Nice conversion and one that tempts me to tryit. Tue 14/08/2007, 19:58
The 21st Century equivelant of the Civil Defence Corps or Auxiliary Fire Service!Mon 13/08/2007, 19:55
This would have been a p-way gang emergency lorry.Mon 13/08/2007, 17:26
Something I've never had explained is why the real 1245F carried Chiswick Green livery whilst the preceding four were all in Ford Cargo Grey.Sun 12/08/2007, 19:59
Note the old ''Engineering services'' fleetnames still displayed.Tue 07/08/2007, 19:06
And the bonnet has been re-lettered too. BTW seems odd how the new ERU vehicles, and the ECU, have the front reversed ''Emergency'' logo now in non-Johnston font.Mon 06/08/2007, 00:20
A check of the notebook, shows the vehicle in Enfield on 2/10/05 to be N752OYRThu 02/08/2007, 21:23
This was parked at Aldgate Bus Station on 31st July and I noticed it had small cab-side lettering 'Fleet No R.05'.Thu 02/08/2007, 13:24
Ah, thanks to Ray for spotting my error. Picture was taken on 28th July rather than June. Sorry.Tue 31/07/2007, 11:34
Tom - you've been keeping them a secret for over a month!Mon 30/07/2007, 17:08
Interesting in that this livery was inherited from the Transport Systems Control Unit and, before that, the GLC.
Note: Edited by Kim Rennie, 17/07/07, 21:45.
Tue 17/07/2007, 21:45
Yes - every time I speak to one of the ERU duty managers at work I ask if any of the new Atego vehicles have arrived yet and so far have always got the same negative answer. I'm interested in what the livery application will be - one odd rumour has suggested they'd be red - surely not, although this was of course a perfectly normal LT breakdown vehicle colour scheme for many years.Mon 16/07/2007, 20:48
Doh! Thanks Kim. I will update the captions pronto. However, I was going by the 'date picture taken' on your excellent photographs...
Ref the dirty vans, the replacements were reportedly due from early summer so you're probably right. Tom
Mon 16/07/2007, 19:36
PS - the derailment was on the 5th, not 6th!Mon 16/07/2007, 15:00
Note the rather shabby condition of the ERU vehicles, most unusual for the CDS' fleet and perhaps indicating that replacement is imminent.Mon 16/07/2007, 14:59
This refrigerated vehicle is hired-in by CDS for the summer months and normally 'stands by' at Selbie House, Baker Street holding supplies of bottled water. The labels appear to be magnetic and applied when required. In the 'good old days' the task would presumably have been given to LT Catering.
Note: Edited by Kim Rennie, 16/07/07, 20:50.
Mon 16/07/2007, 14:50
This is the stores van, it delivers items between engineering departments of the garages throughout London Central/General. Nothing to do with any other Go-Ahead subsidary and is permantley based at Q and driven by their stores staff.Tue 10/07/2007, 20:15
Noted Heathrow 26/6/2007.Tue 26/06/2007, 16:18
Presumably this was the then-current ''signal courior van'' of which, for many years, there has always been one in the fleet. They don't have rubber-lined shelves anymore however.Thu 21/06/2007, 17:38
I'd hazard a guess and say it is Golders Green ## with 408W heading left into Finchley Road from Golders Green Road. The rubber covered strips were for traffic to 'advise' the traffic light system they were waiting; these days they cut grooves into the road and then tar over the transponders - you can't jump up and down on these to change the lights as you could with the old strips! ##Ref Snowy13's comments - Tom and I visited Cricklewood on 10th July 2010 and we can confirm he is correct and the photo was not taken at Golders Green. The photo was taken pre-January 1962 as the 'poles etc are still in situ.Fri 08/06/2007, 10:25
I remember being on a 301 in 1960 in Tring being waived down by an Inspector on a motor bike. He jumped on, checked tickets and then off he went!
Note: Edited by Ray, 03/06/07, 17:51.
Sun 03/06/2007, 17:51
Cliff tells me that the glazing was intact and it's a balance between very bright light coming through the roof and the darker buses. I think he did quite well in the circumstances.Sat 02/06/2007, 21:26
Note to the left A983HLT, an LT bullion van in unmarked ''dealer white'' livery.Sat 02/06/2007, 03:22
Of course Country Bus inspectors used motorbikes in the 1940s (at least) so there's nothing new in thisSat 02/06/2007, 03:04
This is a bit confusing! This van carried no numbers but is allocated 5686P. The van that carries 5686F is allocated number 5687F. Hmm....Fri 01/06/2007, 21:44
Doh (2), so I do. Sorry. The captions were written in a hurry! Fixed now.Fri 01/06/2007, 21:25 mean ''blue skirt''...Fri 01/06/2007, 19:47
Woops, I haven't updated the database with the correct fleetnumber yet. Until this is done, the vehicle details link will take you to a blank 5687. Click on Previous Vehicle to see the actual data.Fri 01/06/2007, 00:59
I think this vehicle probably replaced Astra 5492V. In my limited experience of visiting this location, the Astra was parked at the station during the day - in the same way that several of us have now seen the new Combo van there - whilst 5536V has been seen at night, often heading south towards Harrow or wherever, and was still current on 22/2/07, several months after this vehicle was taken into stock.Wed 30/05/2007, 23:43
Reg N999BTP has indeed resurfaced, and its new parent can just be seen in this picture.Fri 25/05/2007, 22:25
At least two of the three box trailers to be found at Lillie Bridge are visible in the background. Nearest is CBT46, identifiable by the Hi-Five moulding.Fri 25/05/2007, 22:11
I am 90 percent sure this is actually T64 rather than T63 so I have amended the records accordingly.Fri 25/05/2007, 22:09
So, we know this is not T64. Could it be T49?Fri 25/05/2007, 22:08
Was seen at Harrow in 2005 in Powerlink livery (white with blue lettering, including a very large letter e on the bodyside). It had acquired a Luton-style body extension over the cab. Picture to be posted soon.Sat 19/05/2007, 22:26
I thought that all tow trucks just carried trade plates (until 1990 at least) and I have never seen a pic of one with both regs shown. Real regs were evidently allocated on paper, hence the Leylands being replated with in-series regs in 1990. There is also a pic here of one of the Ford Ds post-LT with its KJD/P plate carried.
Note: Edited by Thomas Young, 19/05/07, 22:23.
Sat 19/05/2007, 22:22
Note the leading vehicle is on trade plates onlySun 13/05/2007, 00:51
Although clearly lettered as 6068F, this is in fact 6086F!Sat 12/05/2007, 17:44
Was transferred to Seeboard Powerlink and gained their name on cab doors. Last seen in Greenwich and probably on the way to the ex-LCCT Greenwich power station.Wed 09/05/2007, 11:08
This was a derailment on the Bakerloo Line at Piccadilly Circus.
Note: Edited by Kim Rennie, 26/04/07, 19:48.
Thu 26/04/2007, 19:48
This was on the occasion of a ''World Economic Summit'' of world leaders with presidential and prime-ministerial motorcades going to and from 10 Downing Street. Note that the provincial flags on Canada House have been changed for national ones.Mon 23/04/2007, 19:14
Notice the different height of the registration plates which are mounted where the TOWING sign was. The reversible TOWING signs were fitted during the 1970's and are another useful difference between the two vehicles.Sun 22/04/2007, 20:12
Just to bring things up to date with RF79&RF556 both vehicles do indeed still survive and have now moved across the border into Suffolk.Also at the same location is RF309 and a few ex LT RTs.All this vehicles are looked after by '' The Bus-keRTeers '' preservation group at Bury St.Edmunds.Fri 20/04/2007, 00:10
RF79 is a a former Green Line modernised RF, as rebuilt in about 1966/7. Externally this gave it twin headlights and the polished beading beneath the windows. The LT bullseye would have been removed from the front at the same time and this has thus been added upon conversion to a towing bus. The vehicle has also gained a second fog-lamp upon conversion to a towing bus as modernised RFs retained a single fog-lamp. Staff bus RFs also had two fog-lamps and I think this was due to different licensing requirements for buses used on non-PSV duties. Preserved RF486 retains this modification. RF556 and RF647 were both country bus RFs and so had a different external appearance to RF79. RF79 is thought to survive along with RF556, both possibly with the same owner in Cambridgeshire. RF647 is believed to have been scrapped by C.F. Booth of Rotherham.
Note: Edited by Damon Cross, 03/04/07, 21:04.
Note: Edited by Damon Cross, 07/04/07, 13:16.
Tue 03/04/2007, 11:45
I suspect DB25 may be given a new name in due course....Sun 01/04/2007, 18:40
This vehicle now added to database along with several similar.Sun 01/04/2007, 18:39
One inadvertant change is that ''Jim Winters MBE'' seems to have been re-christened as ''Mayor of London''Sun 01/04/2007, 17:18
Oops, sorry Ray! My only excuse is that I have difficulty keeping up with the excellent supply of great pictures. More will be published soon.Mon 26/03/2007, 21:32
Seen opposite North Wembley garage!Sun 25/03/2007, 15:50
The vehicle in the background is the new N999BTP, a tri-axle Citroen.Sun 18/03/2007, 00:08
DVLA website shows it as licensed until 01/04/07. Conversion work undertaken by Bangers-R-Us. ;-)Sun 18/03/2007, 00:02
This vehicle can often (but not always) be seen parked on Carlyle Road in Thamesmead.Sat 17/03/2007, 23:43
Although clearly lettered as 4567F on both sides, this van is shown on an official list as 6046.Sat 17/03/2007, 23:38
Now known to be numbered 6052VWSun 11/03/2007, 20:21
Now known to be numbered 5903FSun 11/03/2007, 20:07
Now known to be numbered 5813FSun 11/03/2007, 18:51
Correct fleetnumber now known to be 5835RSun 11/03/2007, 18:27

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