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Looks like these have rear-wheel steering.Wed 09/09/2009, 19:35
Damon, I agree, I would much rather money from the RT1 appeal be used for this. Why should Cobham be put over a barrel to bail out a bloke who decided to rebuild RT1 then decides unless Cobham pay up he'll send it to the USA? Let him, they wont get a penny from me towards RT1's saving.Wed 09/09/2009, 14:08
Looking at this picture, not only is the numberplate 'non-standard' -it appears to be of illegal font and sizeTue 08/09/2009, 19:35
The (in this case) 73 refers to the year of build (1973) and 49 is the loco number, I'll get back to you to confirm the meaning of the middle number.Tue 08/09/2009, 13:09
The tamper is TM774 for the record.Tue 08/09/2009, 13:07
It would appear the broom & shovel are standard fittings. I saw a similar vehicle in Leeds 07/08/2009, with same equipment !Tue 08/09/2009, 09:30
Looks like the handle is a new unpainted one!
Note: Edited by Ray, 07/09/09, 21:38.
Mon 07/09/2009, 19:04
A Mercury Pole-carrier (presumably this one?) is once more for sale in the latest edition of ''Bus and Coach Presrvation'' magazine. It can be yours if you write out a Czech for £2,750. A worthwhile use for some of the 1037J, I mean RT1-appeal money methinks ....cue the abuse.Mon 07/09/2009, 16:30
Another pseudo-SV which appeared at Leatherhead yesterday is a white Renault van numbered 4937R (why?) registered T549JBE. It has lettering on the doors reading ''LONDON TRANSPORT BUS SUPPORT VEHICLE''. Looks like the start of a trend!Mon 07/09/2009, 10:03
I believe this is the first shot to show the deleted Metronet panel. The last time the sign was shown was 12 months ago.Sat 05/09/2009, 20:21
vehicle is now registered G6CLT it owned by colin the RM doc and not the RMOOA is used as a mobile workshopWed 26/08/2009, 13:31
this vehicle was seen recently in a barn in kent along side TXV907 tower wagon i cannot say where in kentWed 26/08/2009, 13:25
While looking up something else I discovered that the most recent Transits (Mk7s) are 'Frozen White' instead of 'Diamond White'! It seems this a whiter shade of white....Wed 05/08/2009, 22:25
The estate car on the extreme left appears to be a ''de-mobbed'' BTP dog van.Wed 05/08/2009, 18:28
5959F (alias '5995F') is passing. There were no logos on the nearside when seen on 25/8/2009.
Note: Edited by Ray, 25/08/09, 22:27.
Wed 05/08/2009, 13:15
LN57UNM is now 6840V and LN57UNX is 6841V. They appear to be in use as mail vans. Thanks to Kim, some photos will be added soon.Sun 19/07/2009, 23:49
I have added '(Facilities)' to the description of these vans in the database, so that they can be searched for, etc. Please let me know if you find any I have missed.Thu 16/07/2009, 10:00
Some other 'late numbering' examples are given on page 2 of this article.Thu 16/07/2009, 09:58
As has LN57UNX. 1463/4F were also numbered late in life.Thu 16/07/2009, 07:49
Well, what do you know! This van has now reappeared with Tube Lines logo and a fleetnumber. The allocation of fleetnumbers retrospectively is not unique (Astra cars 4794B to 4797B were new in 1995 and numbered in 1997) but it does suggest that there is a logic behind the numbered/un-numbered distinction. It remains to be seen whether the other two silver LN57 vans also gain numbers.Wed 15/07/2009, 23:29
This truck was first registered the day before this photo was taken! Unless it had a plate change....Wed 15/07/2009, 23:18
Between us, Steve and I managed to note all three had TfL logos at some time. Carlisle Lane and Hercules Road arches have appeared deserted now for some months so they may have moved or closed down (as did the '?' division which seems to have passed to an outside contractor along with the Mondeo cars).Sun 28/06/2009, 16:23
I think there was traces of ''Transport for London'' logos on some of these silver vans at Acton and I assumed they'd been de-branded prior to disposal.Sun 28/06/2009, 15:46
UNX was seen at Leytonstone Station (north side) on the night of 18th June between a pair of numbered service vehicles.Sat 27/06/2009, 18:30
This has an internal tail-lift I understand.Sat 27/06/2009, 01:56
Carries 6608M but should be 6619M!Sun 21/06/2009, 23:40
Although lettered as 6612M, WR58VZF is actually 6609M.Sun 21/06/2009, 23:33
now with Manchetts of CambridgeshireSun 21/06/2009, 15:21
now with SRE Rescue Recovery, SurreySun 21/06/2009, 15:18
Vehicle was at Smallbills, Bollo Lane today. All markings present.Sat 20/06/2009, 15:35
The sticker refers to ''Midland Safe Load Indicators Limited''Sat 20/06/2009, 12:44
5673VW and the other sold vehicle (5676VW) were based at Olympic Way, Wembley which is often devoid of vehicles these days. Is there a new base, for the Hondas at least?Fri 19/06/2009, 14:49
Fleetnumber on offside also (just)Fri 22/05/2009, 16:51
A similar fold-over plate is also on the rear (offside) of this vehicle when seen in Neasden (12/07)
Note: Edited by K. PLY, 22/05/09, 15:18.
Note: Edited by K. PLY, 22/05/09, 15:18.
Fri 22/05/2009, 15:16
TRM = Track Relaying MachineTue 19/05/2009, 11:42
For the record, Alan Jenkins was a long time tamper operator in Trans Plant and 773 was very much his machine, when he unfortunately died, the, then, recently refurbed 773 was taken by lorry to Tilbury FC were it was named by his widow (Alan being a loyal Tilbury fan!)Tue 19/05/2009, 11:41
I can confirm, I am a fully fledged two wheeled idiot!Tue 19/05/2009, 11:39
Thanks Mr B. Always good to have allocations for vehicles. I take it your bike is the one without an L plate!Fri 15/05/2009, 23:59
This particular vehicle is allocated to Trans Plant @ Ruislip Depot and is used as mobile messing facilities by Engineers Train Operators during weekend possession work, incidentally, that's my Honda Deauville just poking its nose in on the left!Thu 14/05/2009, 17:29
I can't explain the change of logo but we do now know that this van works from the Transplant workshop at Ruislip. Transplant is part of JNP, and they supply all the engineering trains. The van was presumably there in connection with this. Similarly allocated 6107F was seen yesterday in the same location and circumstances (ie surrounded by Metronet).Sun 10/05/2009, 17:47
I haven't seen a good photo of it yet (sorry Ray, you know what I mean!) but this vehicle now has a broad yellow band on each side, edged in blue. Large ERU lettering on hardtop sides and cab doors, with a JNP logo squeezed into the thin strip of white remaining underneath.Sun 10/05/2009, 17:09
The 4WD to the left is a Toyota Hilux but it isn't 6467T as that is silver.Sun 10/05/2009, 17:06
This van is allocated to Group Purchasing, formerly based at Gatwick now somewhere near Croydon I think. It will occasionally make visits to operational sites.Wed 29/04/2009, 17:53
It is/was, as somebody pointed out, a Nissan Interstar. What I have just noticed is that there is an LBSL sign but it is on the dashboard.Fri 17/04/2009, 01:00
A careful study of detail differences would suggest that this truck became N8SOV, as seen at the Bow Garage open day and here. Fri 17/04/2009, 00:45
Metronet ''Pumps & Drainage'' I believeMon 06/04/2009, 05:29
This can be confirmed as the new ERU duty managers' vehicle and is now in service. I understand further livery lettering/logos have been applied though have yet to see these myself.Sun 05/04/2009, 22:55
There's also the vehicle testing station where a CT Plus bus had been brought for testing, the van coming along for the ride!Sun 05/04/2009, 19:51
I think we can now say that they were replaced by three Vauxhall Combo vans.Thu 02/04/2009, 07:55
Thanks for the updates gents. Locos aren't my strong point! I do have a photo of the interior of a battery loco and I will publish this shortly.Tue 31/03/2009, 15:16
The louvered panels are all done one side of all batches of locos, whereas the other side has the plain panels, these plain panels are where the main isolator, circuit breakers and so on are, as this equipment is wall mounted, this is why the panels are plain. If you are looking at the 'D' end of the loco, the plain panels should be down the left hand side as you look at it. Its of note that the picture of 25 that Kim has taken shows one of our recent repaints, and is very much our 'show loco'!!! Note of interest is the window in the middle door above the number, this has been made to withstand impact by having a tougher frame and armoured glass.Tue 31/03/2009, 12:22
Isn't the presence/absence of the centre body plain panel dependent on which side you're looking at? Isn't it a hinged flap which is opened to allow the batteries to be removed?Thu 19/03/2009, 17:20
This has traces of a Metronet logo under the Tube Lines one Wed 18/03/2009, 20:32
This batch were licensed virtually on delivery whereas the second batch were delivered approximately 3 months after being registered.Thu 12/03/2009, 15:40
Presumably without roundel with LU?Thu 12/03/2009, 10:32
I was talking to one of the ERU Duty Managers in Acton Works last week. Vehicles are no longer allocated to specific bases but are rotated around for maintenance, servicing etc. The 'allocation' stickers allow crews to remove/return equipment to their 'own' lorry if there is more than one team in attendance. The two types of lorry are equipped to handle either p-way or rolling stock incidents, hence the different shutter arrangement. Former ERU body DB6 is still used by the ERU for storage and is standing demounted on its 'legs' in Acton Works at time of writing.Sun 08/03/2009, 17:37
It would appear that these vehicles should probably be reclassified as demountables. The generators certainly have lifting lugs at each corner, and the cabs carry the wider mirrors typical of such vehicles. It would also appear that the generator on 2584M (centre) is assigned the fleetnumber DB19, being new in 1993 in red and mounted on 2541M. The other two generators were new in spring 1990 (before the DB number series started), also in red, and were carried by 2478M and 2480M.Sun 08/03/2009, 15:12
This generator was not the one carried by 2541M. It was however transferred to either 2562M or 2563M.Sun 08/03/2009, 15:11
I believe that the generator on this vehicle is DB19. What we do know is that DB19 was built by Petbow and entered stock on 8/6/93, and this just happens to be the same date as for 2541M. We also know that it remains in use with Tube Lines. 2541M was withdrawn 12/8/02, while 2584M was new on 16/8/02. Barely visible in this photo is a rib across the top of the generator, towards the rear. As can be seen here, this feature distinguishes the generator on 2584M from those on similar 2562M and 2563M.Sun 08/03/2009, 15:09
The silver livery was that of George McPhie of Scotland , the cab was silver and the bodywork in red , the boniface interstater gear was in silver , also veh went into service with Mcphies in late 2004 early 2005 . Thu 26/02/2009, 07:40
Now known to be 6478VSun 22/02/2009, 12:58
I'm not suprised when they keep swapping the bloomin' things around!! I can't keep up with it.Fri 20/02/2009, 00:12
At Blackfriars again yesterday (7/2/09)Sun 08/02/2009, 23:11
Yep. Both plated although 2594 had it higher up on the cab door on the white bit - different!
Note: Edited by Damon, 08/02/09, 11:08.
Sun 08/02/2009, 11:03
So, were the Camden pair suitably 'plated'?Sat 07/02/2009, 22:28
This is curious as this one has never been seen at Camden. 2594 & 2597 were there today and were also seen there just before Christmas so it seems a bit weird that 2593 has slipped in and out in the meantime. I guess we'll never understand the ERU allocations system ..will we?Sat 07/02/2009, 22:24
We now have confirmation that these are operated by Ensignbus and they have been added to the database. S548XNP is not with Ensignbus.Fri 30/01/2009, 22:09
Im happy to see a photo of my truck in at last the name the grenadier comes form the grenadier guards as i served 10 years in. this truck works the most of west london down as far as croydon to luton over to h/row many thanks paulWed 28/01/2009, 01:04
The Vectra is one of two used by Arriva KT staff rather than Metrobus.Sun 18/01/2009, 18:43
Clarks are based in Doncaster (see so this could indeed be the reason for the Yorkshire regs.
Note: Edited by Thomas Young, 18/01/09, 17:25.
Sun 18/01/2009, 17:25
The RT is now preserved (was at Cobham).
Note: Edited by Ray, 21/05/09, 18:40.
Sat 17/01/2009, 14:36
Despite trading for 13 years and working on the East London line extension the company has been dissolved.
Note: Edited by Ray, 12/01/09, 21:27.
Mon 12/01/2009, 21:26
Kim, I agree with your comments. It was marked as Acton Works as an interim until I added in some more refined location records (which I am doing right now!). Cheers, Tom.Wed 07/01/2009, 12:53
A couple of brake vans were stabled at Neasden yesterday.Fri 02/01/2009, 08:55
Noted yesterday in Stonebridge Park depot so I think we can assume that's its baseSat 13/12/2008, 13:58
First registered 1/1/1984 it was delicensed 30/5/1998.Fri 12/12/2008, 14:50
These Volvo FL7 tow trucks dont have any lifting gear. They were built by Wreckers International and are just tow wagons with weights. MarkTue 09/12/2008, 12:28
This is Acton Town, or maybe Ealing Common depot, but not Acton Works!Mon 08/12/2008, 20:04
Note the buses with motorised rear destinations, proper blinds and white-on-black too, plus full via points at the front. LRT have no intention of dumbing-down to TFL levels!Mon 08/12/2008, 15:28
Taken from a passing train on the fast lines. A closer view can be had from the slow lines and if you're lucky you may get held at signals outside of Gatwick and get a longer view!Mon 08/12/2008, 12:33
Over the line is an industrial estate which allows a clear view in the opposite direction (but only when most of the run-out has occurred), the red-edged buildings being at the rear of this estate.
Note: Edited by Ray, 08/12/08, 07:58.
Mon 08/12/2008, 07:56
There was a fourth, seen through the windscreen of 6520R!Mon 08/12/2008, 07:54
This is the garage that Lothian call ''Central'' also known as Annandale Street because that's where it is. In the last couple of years they seem to have created this handy little yard right on the main road to keep all their service vehicles in - no binoculars required. Recommended.Sun 07/12/2008, 23:59
Eh? I thought it was normally spelt Ttrafic?! Add it to the out-takes!Tue 04/11/2008, 21:38
Thanks Adam, I have corrected the caption. For someone who can tell a Mk6 MWB mid-height Transit from a Mk7 SWB low-roof one, I do seem to get a bit muddled when it comes to car-like things!Tue 04/11/2008, 21:37
Most people only put one T in Trafic (or traffic)! Only one F in the Renault though. I like this picture, there's a nice variety of SVs there.
Note: Edited by Adam Floyd, 04/11/08, 18:28.
Tue 04/11/2008, 18:26
I think these are Ensignbus crew ferries. They were previously with PSV operator Herberts of Shefford, Beds (as was S548 XNP so maybe Ensign have this too?) and Herberts do buy from Ensign so they could have been part-exchanges. Tue 04/11/2008, 18:19
It's not a Peugeot Partner but a Renault Kangoo.Tue 04/11/2008, 18:13
Yet it has been added to LT58CNY which is newer!Mon 03/11/2008, 15:33
I wonder if this the current signal courier van? I also suspect the red & white chequered band fell foul of emergency service vehicle legislation (and always did!).Mon 03/11/2008, 15:04
These vehicles are used at the weekend by TransPlant (the Engineers Train Unit) to transfer train crews around the various worksites, before these vehicles, corporate liveried Ford Transits were used, forget the numbers, but it was the pair that carried DSM legal lettering on their sides.Mon 03/11/2008, 08:43
Similar to what the LFB do to their fire appliances. Daft as it sounds, could it be at a major incident, the crews know which vehicle is which?Mon 03/11/2008, 08:41
Silver is the new white!! For some reason that eludes me the automotive industry went for silver as a replacement for white. That's why a lot of police cars are now silver, a higher resale value.Tue 28/10/2008, 00:06
This is allocated to the Train Operations Manager Stratford/North GreenwichThu 23/10/2008, 11:14
This vehicle came from Grey Green. It was their number 016 and new in February 1992.In 1993 it was allocated to their Barking garage.Sat 18/10/2008, 20:29
Needless to say that the level crossing being closed added to the problems, especially when it re-opened and there were queues both sides of the transporter!Sun 05/10/2008, 08:12
Always give the driver a wave, he waves back!Fri 26/09/2008, 15:09
The location is Bruce Grove, just north of the station. The shop in the background is now a series of takeaways.Fri 19/09/2008, 08:38
Seen today Fairfield Road, E3Mon 08/09/2008, 11:47
The six minibuses used for staff transport (by BEL) which were numbered 2458-2463 were kept within that fleet and leased back to the new organisation. (London Bus Review 1988 page 71)Mon 25/08/2008, 19:05

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