- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Julian Bowden-Green
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:20/04/05
Details: The lorry park at Chiswick Works was packed with Ford D-series lorries on this occasion in the 1970s. Nearest the camera is 1592F (AML769H), a D700 7-ton Double Dropside Bolster Lorry with tail-lift, delivered in January 1970. For those unfamiliar with the terminology, a bolster is the H frame behind the cab used to support over-length loads. Behind and to the right are a pair of larger D1000 Open Bolster lorries. These fixed-sided lorries were used to carry heavier items such as bus engines and train wheelsets. All of the lorries in this view carry the standard LT grey livery, and most appear to also have the green cab roofs which were a feature of this livery until the mid-1970s.
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