- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Andrew Lidinson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:25/09/21
Details: The LUL power supply depot at Tufnell Park is home to about 26 service vehicles, mainly numbered in the 88xx range. Some vehicles are actually kept elsewhere but it is not unusual to find a dozen or more vehicles parked outside. Andrew photographed mid-height Ford Transit Mk8 van 8845F there on 5th September 2021. Most of the fleet was replaced in the second-half of 2019, though 8845F did not arrive until summer 2020 and was not reported until that December. On the left is high-roof Transit 8859F, recognisable by its spot-lights and roof beacons, while 8890T on the right is one of seven Toyota Prius cars allocated to this section.
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