- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:05/08/21
Details: Derek photographed Dynes Volvo FH recovery truck KN20YBM in Richmond at dusk (note the quantity of small lights on the truck's front and side) on 13th July 2021, when it was being used to rescue RATP bus DXE30353 off route H37. The bodywork of this truck looks very similar to that on some of Sovereign Recovery's and, although not visible in this view, the name George was painted on the panels behind the cab side windows. The ADL Enviro 200 bus comes in various lengths, and some bus companies use different class codes to distinguish these (although other companies lump them all together in the same class). At RATP, 8.9/9.0 metre buses are coded SDE, 9.3/9.75m ones DDE, 10.2m DE, 10.5m DME, 10.8/10.9m DLE and 11.5m DXE! These codes seem to derive from Short (S), Diddy/Dumpy (?!) (D), Normal (-), Medium (M), Long (L) and Extra-long (X).
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