- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:28/07/21
Details: Ford introduced the A-series van in 1973 to plug a gap between the largest Transits and the smallest D-series lorries. Although remaining in production for 10 years, it was never a huge seller, and London Transport took just 8 examples alongside hundreds of the other two types. Of the 8, half were standard vans in grey livery, while the remainder were used as railway breakdown vehicles and carried red. 2062F was the first to arrive, having been initially hired as a demonstrator in mid-1977. This explains its non-matching registration - most other services vehicles at this time being given registration numbers that related to their fleetnumbers. It was joined towards the end of 1977 by three similar vans. On 29th April 1981 2062F was caught entering Hounslow Bus Station/Garage. Note the large sliding cab doors and the rather high ground clearance. Another oddity is the application of London Transport lettering either side of a roundel in the top of the windscreen. Three of the four grey vans were withdrawn in 1983/1985, while 2086F famously gained a stay of execution by being rebuilt as a mobile communications vehicle and repainted red. In this form it remained in the fleet until 1991. The four railway breakdown tenders were withdrawn in 1987/1988, seemingly without direct replacements.
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