- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ian Dyckhoff
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:11/05/21
Details: In the early 1960s London Transport ordered eight Breakdown Tenders which were based rather unusually on Leyland PD3 chassis, a type normally used for double-deck buses. Delivered between December 1962 and March 1964, the batch was split with four each for use by the Permanent Way Engineer (1273LD to 1276LD) and the Rolling Stock Engineer (1277LD to 1280LD). Permanent Way 1275LD was found parked at Park Royal Station in 1977, a couple of years before it was replaced by new Ford A0609 box trucks. From the rear the PWE and RSE Titans were very similar, with two hinged, fold-back doors, behind which was a tail-lift (the lower parts of the tail-lift rails were exposed). 1275LD was badged as having a Burtonwood tail-lift, while RSE 1279LD had a USI tail-lift, though it is not known if this also applied to the other Titans.
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