- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Lee Thatcher
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/02/21
Details: Various parts of the UK had 'trouble with the white stuff' in the latter half of January 2021. Here in south east London it only snowed for about half an hour. I was rather surprised then to see this excellent photo taken in Hounslow on Sunday the 24th. It shows RATP Renault Master van MF20RVA (fleetnumber R70030) sploshing out of Bridge Road and heading for the garage. Lee suggests that R70030 is the van based at Hounslow (AV) garage, rather than R70034. Hopefully when the lockdowns are eased, people will be getting out and about and reporting where all of the other RATP vans (and cars) are based.
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