- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: London Spotter
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/12/20
Details: LUL vans in Essex part 3. A bit of a cheat on this one, as Barking has not officially been in Essex for many years. The small yard on Wakering Road, adjacent to Barking Station, is normally home to 3 or 4 Volkswagen vans, but when visited on 15th December 2020, the only occupant was Renault Kangoo Maxi van 8555R. We had allocated this van to Lillie Bridge, on the basis of a single sighting there in 2017. However, it has also been seen near Acton Works several times. In the absence of official information, the allocations shown on this website are only as accurate as the observations allow. Complicating the matter is that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt changed some working practices. Hopefully someone will pay another visit to Barking in the next month or two and let us know whether 8555R is still there. Or maybe someone will come across the Volkswagens (8702/4/5/8VW) somewhere else....
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