- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: James Mair
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:15/12/20
Details: After taking two batches of Mercedes 307D trucks in 1986, a pair of larger 814 lorries were added at the very end of 1987, followed by a couple of artic tractor units in 1988/1989. It was in 1990 that Mercedes became a major supplier to the central fleet, with 21 vehicles of varying sizes taken into stock. The first of these was 2474M, a 1726 artic tractor with the familiar SK-series cab and delivered in February. Although new, it arrived in a red livery rather than the standard grey, suggesting it may have been from dealer stock. The new LUL white/blue livery was introduced at about this time, and 2474M was soon repainted thus, with 'London Transport, Distribution Services' lettering. James caught it coming down Bollo Lane in Acton, showing traces of the former red livery underneath the radiator grille. I have included this photo mainly for the trailer, which is Boden 2-axle flatbed T59 acquired in 1994. This has not appeared on LTSV before, and it was disposed of in 2002 after a relatively short life.
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