- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/12/20
Details: 2400D was unique among London Transport's Dodge Commando lorries in having a short cab coupled with a box body. It also differed from the other Commando box lorries in having sliding doors in the side of the bodywork in addition to the roll-up door in the rear. New just before Christmas 1983, it was allocated to Chiswick Works as part of the general haulage (Group 3) fleet and lasted until 1992. On 16th March 1987 Derek found it parked outside the canteen and offices at Allsop Place, Baker Street. Note that the box body has a ladder hatch in the front and full-length guard-rails below each side.
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