- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/12/20
Details: The brief popularity of Dodge as a supplier of service vehicles to London Transport is highlighted by this photo taken at Chiswick Works on 13th August 1988. The three vehicles are all Dodges, the main subject being dropside lorry 2307D. This was to the most common configuration for the type, having a crew-cab and tail-lift, and it retains its original grey livery. The lorry on the left is similar and is probably 2314D, this having gained the short-lived blue/black pin-stripes. Note the '100' badging on both lorries (albeit in different positions). This model had originally been designed by Commer in the late 1960s. When Chrysler Europe acquired Commer (with the Rootes Group) in 1967 it was decided to brand the type as the Dodge 100, though the 'Commando' name was also used (but not on the vehicles themselves). The vehicles were built at the former Commer factory in Dunstable. Chrysler Europe was sold to PSA Peugeot Citroen in 1978, with the commercial vehicles section quickly sold on to Renault, although products for UK use continued to be badged as Dodges. On the right in this photo is 2390D, one of five S66 vans bought by LT, and which was withdrawn and sold the following month.
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