- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:11/05/20
Details: Some of the Ford Fiesta cars for London Buses entered service before the full application of livery, which means I can continue the occasional series of 'Same vehicle, same location, different livery'. 4879F was photographed at Hammersmith (upper) bus station on 16th April 2000, while the undated but earlier photo by Kim Rennie of this car in the exact same place shows it in plain red. I could actually have made this a series of three photos, since Derek also photographed 4879F here in July 2001 (parked, once again, in the exact same place) but with the labelling changed to 'London Buses' by the simple expedient of cutting off the section containing the word 'Transport'.
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