- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:30/10/19
Details: I think I may have slipped up with this vehicle. Two Skoda Octavia estates were delivered in October 2016 and were noted in the Acton Works car park with LUL roundels on their bonnets. They were later transferred to Westdown Road (Leyton), where they were eventually photographed. Co-incidentally, the sides of the cars were not visible at either location, and I seem to have made the assumption that they carried normal white/blue/red livery. However, Ray found 8184S in the car park of Acton Works on 5th October 2019 and it was clearly in plain white. Looking back at the Leyton photo, it is notable that the two Skodas lack the blue/red striping on the rear, as carried by the two VW Golf estates also allocated here. It seems likely that the other Skoda (8218S) was/is also plain white.
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