- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:25/09/19
Details: The vehicle preparation shed in the lorry yard at Acton Works is now used for the work involved in making newly-delivered vehicles ready for service. This includes the application of livery, lettering and labels (although this is also still sometimes done elsewhere in the works), along with the fitting of any special equipment (perhaps including the trackers mentioned on the back of most vehicles). Present on 12th September 2019 was a short-wheelbase, low-roof Ford Transit Custom van numbered 8876F. Sisters 8877F and 8878F were nearby, and I suspect this trio will be to replace similar (but suffix-less) 8075-8077. If so, they are unlikely to be seen in daylight again! In the background is VW Caddy Maxi crew van RK69TZZ which had just been given LUL livery and the fleetnumber 9007VW.
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