- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:26/11/17
Details: Here is a surprise! Mercedes-Benz Actros artic WX57NPV was seen leaving Acton Works on 6th November 2017 with Cartwright trailer T74 loaded with train bogies. The lorry had recently had its livery updated from Tube Lines to TfL/LUL, complete with a red stripe. Although the Tube Lines livery was discontinued on new deliveries from early 2013 there have been virtually no instances of existing vehicles being re-liveried. The lorry fleet would have seemed to be prime candidates due to their generally longer service lives. However, two new MAN artic lorries had been delivered in autumn 2017 and it was thought these would replace the oldest of the earlier artics, including WX57NPV. Curiously this lorry still carries the fleetnumber 2603. It is believed that it was order under this number, but delivered at the time the use of fleetnumbers for lorries was dropped. The number has since re-appeared on the first of the new Emergency Response Unit tenders.
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