- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:28/09/17
Details: Another batch of new Toyota Prius cars for LUL was visible in the Acton Works car park on 23rd September 2017, including LT67LUJ with the highest fleetnumber reported to date (8583T). Also visible are 8551T (on the far left) and Ford Mondeo estate LT63WXS. At least 16 Prius cars have been added in recent months, the first for LUL having been 8433T in March 2017. It is slightly ironic that LUL has now turned to the Prius given that LBSL and TfL Streets have recently replaced virtually all of theirs with smaller Toyota Yaris hybrids.
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