- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:14/01/17
Details: Neatly showing the livery similarity to that on the class 378 trains, this is London Overground VW Golf estate 7982VW, found on Oldfield Grove on 10th January 2017. This car was added to stock in March 2015 as a replacement for one of the two un-numbered Golf estates operated since 2010. Note that the new car has a shallower skirt than its predecessor. Renault Kangoo van 7981R arrived at the same time and may have replaced the other Golf (unless unseen Golf 7889VW turns out to be an Overground vehicle). If you are wondering why an un-numbered car should be replaced by a numbered one then join the club!
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