- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:17/05/16
Details: Another occasional series on LTSV is 'I can't really explain this one', and here is the latest addition. Ford Fiesta car 7953F was new in March 2015 and was noted being delivered to Acton Works on the 2nd on the back of a transporter truck. It seems to have been in unmarked white/blue at this time. A photo taken of the Works car park 5 days later clearly showed it in full LUL white/blue/red livery. It was next seen about 2 months later, working the night shift off Griffith House, but curiously in unmarked white/blue livery once again. Ray managed to photograph the car in this state on 14th May 2016, when it was parked near to East Finchley Station. Were the markings (and stripe) removed, and if so why? Or perhaps the car was replaced and the number plates switched.... answers on a postcard please.
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