- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/05/15
Details: And now for something completely different, although as it turns out, surprisingly topical. Seen at King's Lynn Bus Station on 2nd March 2015 was AM58CDM, a Ford Transit Mk7 van belonging to Norfolk Green. Despite appearances, this is no longer an independent operator. Formed in 1996, and taking over the King's Lynn operations of First in 2011, the company was sold to Stagecoach in December 2013. Stagecoach has a reputation for sweeping away existing company names and colour schemes, but retained Norfolk Green for a while. However, today (1st May 2015) the operation was renamed as Stagecoach Norfolk. The bus on the left is one of the relatively rare Optare Spectras.
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