- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ivor Norman
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/07/14
Details: The red/blue chevrons on the bonnet of this Ford Transit crew van suggest that it was an emergency vehicle for London Underground. Such vehicles tended to be seen (and photographed) quite often but not this one, no doubt due to it only surviving for a few months. New in August 1990, it was last licensed the following March, most likely having suffered accident damage. On 12th December 1990 it was seen on the front road at Baker Street Station, parked close to one of the Dodge Commando lorries. Unusual features to note are the lack of lettering and the half-length roof-rack fitted. The red fuel filler caps may have been used to indicate diesel vehicles. Some petrol vehicles had yellow caps. Tyre pressures are again shown in both bars and PSI.
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Rob MorelEasy to miss as it blends in with background, is the roof light bar a transfer off Emergency Rail Unit 3393F I wonder?Wed 02/07/14, 11:35